A great gift

You may recall that I have written about Gosia’s soaps before on this blog, and also re-posted from Eddy Winko’s great blog about how his wife produces and sells the soaps from their home in Poland. They are branching out, with the addition of a range of covered soaps, the decorative cloth being able to be used as a washcloth, the soap concealed inside.

You can imagine my delight when I recently received this perfect gift. Ollie, embroidered on the cover of a bar of soap. I was amazed to hear that the lady responsible had not even seen a photo of my dog, before working her magic on this piece.

You can be sure that this bar of soap will never be used, and will always be treasured.

More about the excellent soaps can be found here.

Soaps 2020

41 thoughts on “A great gift

    1. The felted soaps are new to me as well, Elizabeth.
      I ‘met’ Eddy via the blog, but we have never met in real life. After all these years, it just feels as if we know each other well.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this Ollie soap, FR. When they have the new felt soaps ready for sale, you can add some nice shots for their website. Looking forward to more from you about that Poland trip.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  1. Thank you Pete, it was a nice surprise to read your post this morning, so happy to hear that you like the soap. And thank you for linking to my blog. Gosia and Iza have really hit on a niche market with the felted soaps, I must try and do a video of the felting process as it is amazing to watch, I must also get a few details about the felted soaps on the blog, just as soon as we get the hay in 🙂

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  2. Well, as much as Ollie would like to avail himself of this bar of soap during one of those walks where he jumps in the river for a bath, I can understand your desire to set it aside. But you may change your mind one day. You might break out the video cam, select a soundtrack featuring opera music, and produce a great film: “Shar Pei: The Soap Opera,” starring Ollie Johnson.

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