Word Challenge: R

Coming to those letters that leave us spoiled for choice. Please add your own favourites for ‘R’. Foreign language words (with translation) are welcome, and American spellings are allowed too. No abbreviations though.

A word I have always liked, and used. Many people do not consider the Ramifications of their actions.
We generally see Consequences used, but I prefer this word.

Because we have to be, when life throws stuff at us.

I like the sound of it, but I am not like that. I have met many who were though.

65 thoughts on “Word Challenge: R

  1. I really liked your picks, as well as those of others here! I guess I’ll first go with the French verb RATTRAPER, one of whose definitions is “to catch up,” which is what I’m trying to do here at beetleypete, having fallen a few months behind! Years ago, I came across a French reflexive verb that I haven’t seen often since, but which has stuck with me because I like it so much: (SE) RECROQUEVILLER, which means to shrivel or curl up (or huddle, when speaking of a person). Another verb I like is RENIFLER, which means to sniff.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning Pete:
    Economics always have ramifications imposed by things like REGRESSIVE TAXES, RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES, and REGULATORY FAILURE. But economics is also resilient in that they can provide a RATE OF RETURN, RENT (for owners of rental property) and even A RANDOM WALK. But one must realize that most RETURNS are rambunctious and stay in areas of minimal RISK.
    Warmest regards, Theo

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  3. These words sometimes come to mind after I read the news: Rogue, Repugnant. On the other hand I learned ramekin (or ramequin) from watching cooking shows on TV; a small ceramic dish used to prepare individual servings of something very delicious.

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  4. Pete, I haven’t admonished you so far in this effort, but you are using all the best words! OK that said, here are some other “R” words, though not up to your choices:

    “raffish” – disreputable, vulgar….sometimes guilty as charged.
    “rugulous” – having small wrinkles…NEVER
    “rudimentary” – the way I approach way too much

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I confess to being rather Rugulous, John. And as for Ollie…
      I think of Raffish in a kinder way, somewhat ‘man about town’. Thanks for the true definition.
      Sorry to steal all the best words, but it’s my blog! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Rastafarian, partly because I’ve always thought it would make a rather beautiful forename; Ridiculous because the world is increasingly so; Radiation because the future looks ever more frightening in an age where man-boys like playing with their toys; Raspberries because they look, taste and sound delicious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My views on Recycling were the subject of a complete post, so I will leave it at that.
      Repudiate is a very good choice, Jude. It is used a lot in legal circles, but could do with wider use.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I like “ramifications,” too, to me it implies more complex and subtle results than “consequences”.
    My family is blessed with some genuine “raconteurs” — you sent them to the grocery for a quart of milk, and they come back two hours later, with an entertaining tale of misadventure and bizarre encounters with strange people. Usually they’ve forgotten the milk, but “scatterbrained” is another family trait.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This one was easy for me.
    Research – inquiry
    Resistance – hostility
    Reality – truth
    In doing my Research for the truth, I have come across some Resistance from those who prefer to believe the myths rather than Reality. Really!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Not many from Geordieland,
    Radgie, meaning in a rage, so a radgie gadgie is an enraged gentleman. 🙂
    Roondy is household coal, not much used in these days of central heating, but as we’re in a mining community it’s still used here and there.
    Reet is used by everyone, meaning right, so ‘are ya aalreet?’ is commonly heard instead of hi how are you?

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