Thinking Aloud On a Sunday


I was away visiting friends last weekend, so wasn’t really thinking about much else. And I was nowhere near a computer, so there was no regular Sunday post.

But this morning, I woke up thinking about Mothers. Given that today is Mother’s Day in Britain, that is not really surprising.

My own Mum died in 2012, at the age of 87. She always loved Mother’s Day, expecting my attendance for a meal, and looking forward to the large card she received without fail. I always brought a gift too, but she was never bothered about that, much preferring to read the words in the card, and whatever short note I had added. When I was a child, one of my relatives would buy me a card and gift to give her, or I would make something at school. She kept all of those, and every card I ever gave her, throughout the next sixty years.

I have no doubt that I often took her for granted, especially during my teens. My clothes were washed and ironed, a meal always on the table, and support for everything from my stressful exams, to my first job, was given without reservation. During problems in adult life, she was always on my side. But if she thought I had made the wrong choice about something, she was quick to caution me about my decision. Nothing was too much trouble for her, as far as her child was concerned. She was a good mother, an excellent mother. One of the great mothers.

But with few exceptions, aren’t they all?

Whether sheltering in a refugee tent in Syria, dealing with a drug-addicted child in Edinburgh, or living with a severely-disabled child in India, mothers all around the world do nothing but show devotion to their children. The same cannot always be said of fathers, unfortunately, though some are undoubtedly excellent.

In my experience, becoming a mother brings on a fundamental change in a woman. As the baby is handed to them, something happens inside, that unconditional love that endures. Whether that child eventually turns out to be a University Professor, a world-famous doctor, a coal-miner, or nurse, the love of a mother never dwindles, and remains the same as the child becomes an adult. Even the mothers of serial killers and fraudsters still love their children. They will forgive us almost anything, driven by that magical connection of carrying us inside their bodies.

So today I send a salute to all mothers, wherever you are.
We couldn’t have done it without you.

48 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

  1. What a lovely post. I suppose we are given these helpless little creatures and told we are complete responsible for them… and then slowly we turn them into little people and they reward us with unquestioning devotion… at least in the early years. It is hard to explain the love that I have for Little O. He is truly the centre of my universe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As lovely a tribute to mothers as I have ever read. Having the love of a good mother, is like being born “with a silver spoon in your mouth”. Could not comment on “Missing Bloggers” but it sure “hit home” with me! Thank you again for your effort. Have not heard from her yet-but I sure rest better at night! sincerely Michele

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post 🙂 For all the challenges they face in raising children, Mothers (like Fathers) deserve all the encouragement in the world. Here, in the US, Mothers Day is in May (Sunday, May 12 in this case). Interesting that Mothers Day in the UK falls in March. When May hits, I shall think of this wonderful post of yours 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautifully written Pete, this bought tears to my eyes. As I get older I’m finally starting to see how much my mother has given up and done for me through my life. Amazing tribute to all mothers, especially your own

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nice post, Pete. Your mother is a fine example. I just dreamed of my three children last night. They are always young in my dreams. 6, 8, 9. I am the single parent trying to keep them in the fold. They are all in their 30s now. But in my heart, they will always need protecting and my love. You can’t really help it. It pours forth uncontrollably.

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    1. I have never had children, but have spent my life witnessing the power of a mother’s love in so many ways, from many different women.
      I was sure you would feel that way, Cindy. And I am also sure that you are a great Mum. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have always been in favour of a woman’s right to choose, David. (If men had to have babies, I am certain it would have been law much earlier). As I will never be in that situation, I would never make any conclusions either way.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautifully written post Pete, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m luckily blessed to have two loving parents and I have a debt to them (so to speak) in raising me in the way that I have now grown up. As in every family there has been the odd fight once in a while, but usually about silly stuff. (Which I guess pretty much most fights are lol). But I love them both. My mother has always cared for me (some would say even too much, but I guess most mothers do😂) and now having reached the age of 70 she is still a very big and important part of my life.
    As I said wonderful post, and this tribute to your mum was terrific. She must have been a very special person, just like her son 😊

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