Ten tips for Retirement

My thoughts on retirement in 2012, not long after I stopped working. They are still valid, seven years later.


I have been retired from work since March, so I would like to pass on this advice for others who are due to retire soon, or considering retirement at some stage in the near future. After nearly six months, I am no expert on the subject, I am really just passing on observations based on my own experience.

Walk about a lot. When you are still working, whether you realise it or not, you do walk around for a lot of the day. So, avoid sitting for too long, wander aimlessly from room to room if need be, or get outside for a stroll, if the weather is good. If this doesn’t work, then get a dog, and you will have no option.

Expect to use more toilet paper, and shop accordingly. You will not be using the facilities at work ever again, and you will be shocked at how…

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14 thoughts on “Ten tips for Retirement

  1. As someone who retired “early” at 58 I concur with your advice. Still as valid today. I’m 66 now haven’t regretted it once. I would maybe add…don’t discover YouTube….and use Social Media sparingly. Although it is great for bringing/keeping people together.

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  2. I tend to sit for long periods of time at the computer, especially when writing a page of fiction (average length of time to accomplish that is 3-4 hours!). But, of course, I tend to go on strenuous hikes on weekends. My body must wonder what the heck is going on!

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    1. I watch the news (BBC 24) when I have my breakfast. But I have to be firm with myself, and walk away when I have eaten. I sometimes watch a film in the afternoons, if the weather is very bad.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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