Book Confessions: Ten Questions

Blogger Suzan Khoja was asked ten questions about books by Nikita.
She answered them on this post.

Here are the questions.

1. Have you ever re-gifted a book you have been gifted?

2. Have you ever said you’ve read a book when you haven’t?

3. Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?

4. Have you ever read a series out of order?

5. Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?

6. Have you ever dog-eared a book?

7. Have you ever told someone you don’t own the books when you do?

8. Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of the book?

9. Have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually liked?

10. Have you ever told someone you haven’t read a book when you have?

My challenge to all you book fans out there is to follow the link to Suzan’s post, and answer Nikita’s questions in the comments.

You have to tell the truth though! 🙂

38 thoughts on “Book Confessions: Ten Questions

      1. I am really bad when it comes to fiction I don’t like – it’s happened a few times when I actually recycled the book into the trash – they were that bad. There are no rules when it comes to bad writing, Pete.

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  1. Mmm
    1, no
    2. no
    3. yes to my shame, in my defence the person I borrowed from moved away no forward address
    4. yes
    5. no
    6 yes
    7. no
    8 yes
    9. no
    10. no
    Honest truth.
    Now I feel really bad 😢

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 1. Have you ever re-gifted a book you have been gifted? No, I read all books I am lucky enough to get my hands on

    2. Have you ever said you’ve read a book when you haven’t? Nope

    3. Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it? No, but others have borrowed from me and not returned – I have never forgotten.

    4. Have you ever read a series out of order? I have, but I prefer not to

    5. Have you ever spoiled a book for someone? I don’t think so.

    6. Have you ever dog-eared a book? Yes, I have favourite bits that I tag. I also write in margins and underline. My books so I can [defiant stare]

    7. Have you ever told someone you don’t own the books when you do? Yes, refer to point 3 above.

    8. Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of the book? Yes, I skipped quite a lot of book 3 of Lord of the Rings. The bit in in the tunnels in the mountain bored me silly.

    9. Have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually liked? No, why would anyone do that?

    10. Have you ever told someone you haven’t read a book when you have? No, why would anyone do that? I read Lace when I was 10 and also The Shining and Salem’s Lot.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Aww, thanks for promoting my blog. I would love to see their answers. 😁✌ but before that where are your answers, Mr PETE. 😈😈 thank you once again. Please tag me so that I can read their answers. 🙂✌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t know how to tag. This is me you’re talking about. 🙂
      You will have to check in on the post, but I have asked people to answer on your comments, not mine. 🙂 🙂 I hope they do that..
      Best wishes, Pete.

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