From August To October Overnight

Yesterday was unusually warm here in Beetley. It was very sunny, and that sunshine had some heat in it too. By late afternoon it was 24 C (75 F) and the heat hung on until late last night. By the time it got to 11 pm, we had to get a fan running in the living room, as it was uncomfortably humid. During the night, it was hard to get any sleep under the duvet, and I kept waking up on and off, until I gave up at 6:30 am and got up.

It felt more like August, than May.

Then this morning, the heat has gone. Strong winds are moving the tree branches and plants in the garden, and the temperature at best will be 10 C (50 F). There is also the possibility of very heavy showers later this afternoon.

It feels more like late October, than May.

A drop of 25 degrees (F) in less than twenty-four hours.

Is it any wonder that I write so many blog posts about weather? 🙂

69 thoughts on “From August To October Overnight

    1. Maybe therefore they called it New England?;-) Here it was the same, but there is no one you can compain. ;-( Want to have 24 C and more, even i have to work inside.But it pushes my mind, and makes the espresso much more pleasant. Lol Michael

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Here some places got to over 30 celsius (sorry, never got used to Farenheit), so roasting, and then we had heavy rain, wind, and a drop in temperatures, although not quite as extremes. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are already here. This year feels particularly odd, because we seem to have gone from winter to summer without any in between time, with lockdown and one thing and another. It’s impossible to dress right. Take care, Pete!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. In Minnesota we had 79 in midweek, 32 and snow flurries on Sunday. But trees have new leaves spring flowers are in bloom, ducks and geese are parading with their little ones. Any day now we’ll see the new fawns. In spite of the world of man under siege, nature is thriving. Stay Safe.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Don. There are South Pacific species of fish in Greek waters, and unusual insects in Canada and Britain. This is a veritable wonderland, a display of what could have happened on this planet, without the interference of humans.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. This has been a strange year for weather…..90F in March and 55F in May… you are not alone….it looks like this will be a bad year for weather….and I live in Hurricane Alley……chuq

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I grew up in the part of the United States known for its seasons. It was frequently above 100 degrees F in the summer and below 0 degrees F in the winter. We live on the coast now and the temperatures seldom dip or rise more than a few degrees.

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  5. We’re right behind you I’m afraid. The last several days here have been the hottest since last summer, with blue skies and temperatures in the mid to upper 80’s. Tomorrow things take a turn for the worst and temps will return to the low 60’s with rain in the forecast, but hopefully no wind!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ” 24 C (75 F)” – You call that “heat”? 😉 Then don’t come to Southern Texas! That’s quite a comfortable temperature here, which, I’m happy to say, we did have for the last few days. As to changing weather conditions: we have had our share of that, too [ ]. There’s the saying that in Texas you can have the weather of one whole year in just one day. 😉 But that doesn’t hold true for our summers. Then we usually have hot temperatures, 35C/95F and more for three months on end. Thanks goodness we have air-conditioning.
    Stay well,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, temperatures here are very different to America. 95 F would be unusual indeed here, and it would rarely last for more than a couple of days at most. It is very humid here when the weather is warm, so 75 F is uncomfortable once it gets dark. Almost nobody has aircon either.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. Of course, temperatures are very different in England – and in Germany, at that – from temperatures here. I can stand the heat, but not the humidity we, too, have here sometimes. I know that air-conditioning is rare in England – and in Germany. Here, as you well know, it’s kind of universal – at least nowadays. Out old place in Karnes City, built in 1938 by my wife’s parents, did not have A/C until we renovated it last year. In these “old days” they had big windows to open plus ceiling fans. But I know that sometimes it felt nearly unbearable.

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    1. Yes, I think many were already jumping the gun on a possible ‘easing’ of lockdown. When it does happen, I reckon half the country is going to go carnival crazy!
      Over 600 people died in the 24 hours of Friday. I think it’s much too early to relax.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hopefully. The scenes of people congregating outside over the last couple of days have been pretty horrendous – and scary to think how little some people care about the safety of others. I think the police cars should have parked in the middle of the crowd and turned their sirens on!

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  7. I’m one of those people who’s never satisfied. It’s either too hot, too wet, too windy etc etc. It’s a bit overcast here. I can cope with that. 😂

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