Meet Guest Bloggers Zozo & Jools (and The Muttwits)…

Chris is hosting The Usual Muttwits over at his blog. Check out the post for their full story!

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

What is our blog about: 

Usual Muttwits follows the misadventures of a diverse community of dogs inhabiting the fictitious Thameside town of Westley Piddle.  The blog features stories on the various muttwit characters and is experienced through their own particular dogs’-eye point of view.

Each story (which is weekly serialized) focuses on one particular muttwit from the pack, forced off his furry butt to do something extraordinary to help out his best mates. What should be a simple enough ask mostly ends up in pure doggerel, lots of ear-flapping, and a quick bite or two of both friend and foe.

The blog is presented in the style of a graphic diary with the manga-inspired illustrations drawn or doodled beside the text which [‘”wot’] is written in a colloquial London voice. The stories are created to be family-friendly so there is no gratuitous language, sex or violence either written or…

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28 thoughts on “Meet Guest Bloggers Zozo & Jools (and The Muttwits)…

    1. Hi Don, so pleased yor liking the Muttwits. Lucky we got PJ on hand to re-translate any of the Saf Lundun English for anyone who, erh, ain’t from Saf Lundun. No watta mean, mate? And if yu got a muttwit of yor own then please send us his photo and some intel and we’ll stick him/her up on Muttwits Most Wanted page next Tuesday 😊🐾

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    1. Hi Kim, so honored that you were one of our very first fans of the Muttwits. We’re not gonna forget, so we’re gonna name a Westley Piddle street after yuz…or, erm, maybe a new coffee bar. 😊🐾

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        1. Well, here’s a bit of insider knowledge – as yu already know Foxy’s got history with Checkers (that’s ThreeLegs to the intimates), but she’s got some real challenges ahead when she has to stand up for Checkers against all the other muttwits in West Pid. who wanna drive him out of town…erh, but that’s a story for the future. But, for sure, Foxy’s a real star and true to her snifz-mates 🐶🐾

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  1. Pete- wanted to let you and readers know I am in hospital from a ruptured spleen. Almost bled out but EMS got me here in time for extensive abdominal surgery last Thurs bite. Recovering and out if intensive care. Best toall. Willl be here for a few more days.

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    1. Thanks so much for sharing the Muttwits on your fantastic blog. Just joined it myself. You guys are welcome to trot down to West Pid. anytime, share photos of your own muttwits and we’ll feature them on our Muttshots page, or simply pop in for a beer at the Pig&Ferret and catch up on the gossip of what’s going on with all them daft muttwits. Zozo&Jools 🐾🐾

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