13 thoughts on “Literary Genres: Slipstream

  1. I read the full article. I don’t think Bruce Sterling actually defined slipstream in the applicable context. A lot of references were made in regards to Sterling’s novels, but they have little meaning to those of us who are unfamiliar with the author.

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  2. Interesting!
    I know two films have been named Slipstream, the one by Anthony Hopkins I have got;
    An actor and would-be screenwriter, who at the very moment of his meeting with Fate, comes to discover that life is random and fortune is sightless. He is thrown into a vortex where time, dreams, and reality collide in an increasingly whirling slipstream. It’s a surreal and dreamlike tale of one man’s journey.

    I tried to like the Bruce Sperling article, but WP won’t let me when I’m on Safari. 🤔 GP Cox was allowed. 👍🏻

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