Thinking Aloud On A Sunday

Conspiracy Theorist.

I have been reading about the thoughts of those who oppose all lockdowns and restrictions introduced because of Covid-19. I have also had some conversations with good friends and family members who do not think any of the ‘Pandemic’ is real. Most of these writers and those I have spoken to are educated, intelligent people who have come to their conclusions after much reading, thought, and debate.

And anti-lockdown protests are increasing in England, with a large demonstration in central London just yesterday.

Much of the ‘anti’ argument seems to hinge on not knowing anyone who has either contracted Covid-19, or died from it. Given the high infection rates stated by governments all over the world, you might imagine that death rates would be astronomically higher than they have been. I have a friend who works in an environment with around 100 other people. They are in close contact, with no screens or masks, and the place is air-conditioned.

Yet since the start of the pandemic, not one has tested positive for Covid-19, and nobody has been hospitalised or died from it. Add to that the fact that none of the families and friends of those people have tested positive or been ill, and you are looking at a rough figure of around 3,000 people, with not a single one having any trace of Covid-19.

The theory seems to be that it is all about government control of the population, and a major ‘re-adjustment’ of the workforce and wealth distribution. This is overseen by ‘The Elite’, and ‘The New World Order’. Everything from closing entertainment venues to making mask wearing compulsory is designed to limit social interaction, and force family units into isolation.

I don’t buy into this, for a couple of reasons. For one, I lost one of my best friends to the virus in May. But in the bigger picture, I seriously doubt that ‘world leaders’ like Trump, Johnson, Merkel, and Macron (among others) are capable of pulling off such a stunt, and keeping it secret.

I woke up this morning thinking about all this, prompted by the sudden and unexpected increase in restrictions in London and the South-East, which amounts to ‘cancelling Christmas’ for millions of people.

Could those ‘conspiracy theorists’ have something?

At this point, I have to make a confession. I have been a conspiracy theorist in the past. Here are three of the ‘big ones’ that I still believe.

1) Kennedy was not shot by the ‘lone shooter’, Lee Harvey Oswald. I couldn’t care less what the Warren Commission said.
2) The 1969 Moon Landing didn’t happen. I watched it on TV, and never believed it then. Still don’t.
3) The 9/11 attacks in the US were organised by Saudi Arabia in collusion with some ‘Deep State’ people in America. I will always believe that.

There you have three theories of mine that millions of people would argue against. They would show me their scientific proof, the statements of those concerned, and even film footage that proves I am wrong. (I am not, of course)

So who am I to criticise those who dispute the existence of Covid-19?

Just a thought. On a Sunday.

67 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On A Sunday

  1. It is very difficult to know the truth if, as here, one does not know anything about the actual origin of the virus (civil, military). The fact is, however, that governments have had a lot of time to protect the population. Unfortunately, too little had happened. Michael

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  2. Oh dear Pete, with respect I will keep my mind open. I’m glad to hear you believe COVID is real with respect to one thing that occurred to me. Someone believing the Moon Landing was faked endangers no one. Someone believing COVID is not real comes with a price. Best wishes Pete.

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  3. At last, I have company in my own ideas! I suppose I am “one of those” when it comes to conspiracy thoughts-and I never wanted to, but goodness, how can I think otherwise? The virus is real, I have the death of two friends to prove it-but I do agree, it came along unnaturally and with a purpose. I have been studying for several months about “agenda 21” (known by other names-sustainable living, the green new deal etc) There is a lot to ponder, and I think it should not be considered betrayal or crazy for us to consider. The U.S did deny the area 51 and there was the tragic Tuskegee project, in addition to what you listed. Somebody needs to research, for poor Joe Biden doesn’t know how many grandchildren he has-or their names. I have said too much! If I go missing . . please inquire!

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  4. I keep an open mind on everything Pete. There are certainly more lies circulating than truth. I used to listen to Jim Marrs and he totally agreed that Kennedy and others were planned and orchestrated by the Elite.
    There is a dr. from Austria (Klinghardt) who treats Covid in a holistic way with Propolis and other natural ingredients. China didn’t use a vaccine. They used Vit. C IV to treat Covid patients and it worked.

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  5. My wife had coffee with a friend today who told her that she thinks Trump will still win the election. If that wasn’t astounding enough, she said that someone she knows thinks that the government is injecting the vaccine in people so they can be controlled.

    I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, Pete, though I’m sure we don’t always know the truth. I can see making an argument for #1 and #3, but I am curious what you base your evidence/feeling of a fake moon landing on? That one doesn’t make any sense to me. It would involve all the major networks and thousands of people being in on the scam, and I can’t think of any reason someone would benefit from that.

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    1. The Moon Landing is something I have been uneasy about since I watched it on TV. The camera angles, lack of any real horizon, and the very limited scope of the views. It didn’t feel right to me at 17, and still doesn’t. I sat watching it, then turned to my parents and said, “No, they are not on The Moon, it’s fake”. And all the footage was supplied through NASA, so not controlled by any TV network. I just didn’t buy it, and I am not alone in this one.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. Thanks for answering my question, Pete. I know that others feel the same way. Still, it would involve an immense cover-up over fifty years ago (400,000 people were working at NASA at the time) without one person spilling the beans. As the old saying goes, I guess we can agree to disagree.

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        1. Yes, I understand the necessary scope of any cover-up. I just cannot shake that feeling I had when I was 17. As well as my own suspicions, it also became one of the most popular conspiracy theories. So at least I am not alone. 🙂
          Best wishes, Pete.

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  6. Thinking of you with this terrible Covid-19 variant ravishing London. Praying for all of us and the rapid deployment of the vaccine…I’m with you on Kennedy. There’s NO way that it was a lone shooter! They teach that in our schools though. I counseled my daughters not to believe it. The lone shooter is insidious propaganda. My eldest daughter’s Government teacher told the class it is a coverup and conspiracy that has been in motion before the assassination. Sad, but true.

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  7. I have lost someone dear to me. I know the virus is real. People have trouble with the frightening unknown and denying it sure beats thinking they might get it. As for conspiracies I need to add two more. Robert Kennedy wasn’t killed by Sirhan Sirhan acting on his own. Martin Luther King wasn’t killed by just one disgruntled man’s vendetta.I have always known that 9/11 was much more sinister than we have been told.

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  8. JFK, long time ago, but some good films have come out of it 🙂 9/11, something shady for sure, but done is done, nothing will ever be proved. Moon landing, pah! its just a shame they don’t spend all that money on sorting out the problems on this planet.
    Covid is as real as it gets and it has a way to go yet. Wear a mask 🙂

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  9. The US government recanted on it’s hurry-up Warren Commission Report that JFK was killed by Oswald alone. They have since agreed on a complete intelligence investigation that there were multiple shooters and none were Oswald.
    Today I see where a new conspiracy theory is becoming popular, namely the Titanic did not sink.
    And of course, this is the season of the wise-spread conspiracy belief that Christ was born on Dec 25th . The time-line of Herod’s census decree, mentioned in the Bible, would place the birth date in the summer months, not in a ‘pagan’ winter holiday season.
    As for 40 % of the US population, they only believe if Fox News or Donald Trump says it is so.

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    1. Thanks, Don. There have been some interesting theories about the Titanic over the years, it has to be said. As for the Christmas calendar, it is wrong of course. For one thing, there used to be 13 months in a year. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  10. Hi Pete! I would have thought if it as conspiracy too. However, I’ve had 4 positive cases in family, one of whom died. Also, in the financial state that India was, our government received a thorough set back and India is in deep well of international loans with economy in negative figures. Our government had distributed free rations with door-to-door service so I know they weren’t in for a gain.

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    1. Thanks for adding your own experience, Shaily. As I said, I also lost someone close from contracting the virus. But I have to admit that I expected many more to die, maybe ten times as many.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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        1. In my state alone, the density of population is 800+ people per square km. Which means our houses are pretty close. If there is an infected person in the area, a lot of neighbours catch it in spite of restrictions. The trick is to NOT test anyone in the area. Most of them get immune to the virus anyway or contract minor cold and cough which everyone pits down to the weather. Only severe cases and their spouses are tested…

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  11. I am riding the fence on this one. I do believe the COVID-19mvirus exists. I also believe people are exploring it for their own purposes. By the way, I also believe two out of the three conspiracy theories you presented. There is one I’m still on the fence about. Also, there is the one about Paul being dead, but I never could figure out why someone would want to kill off one of the Beetles.

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  12. There have been resets before and there is talk of another one particularly among the younger generation…Books have been written on the reset and it seems that another one is likely …we shall see 🙂 x

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  13. I think adding to Covid skeptics here, are political leaders like CA Governor Gavin Newsome being caught out in public settings not following guidelines. As far as the moon landing and 9/11 goes, I’ve never read anything to give me cause to doubt the moon landing happened, but who knows. And I don’t know about anyone in the Deep State being involved with 9/11, but it wouldn’t surprise me. I do believe that given the fact that most of the hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, and at least one that I heard of had ties to the royal family, that their government knew something of the plan beforehand, even if they weren’t active participants.

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  14. Having personally lived through the agonies of three friends who nearly died of the virus- they were all put on a ventilator and for ten days it was touch and go—I of course believe that the virus exists. I also know a lot of people who’ve had it, if not as seriously. However, like in all such cases I do believe there are people in power who try to manipulate the situation for various reasons. I think both the statistics and the ‘science’ cannot be trusted. I also think the situation is badly managed: why make rules that cannot be upheld, like who people meet in their homes, and not impose masks in public places?

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  15. I type enough clinic letters for people who have had Covid to realise the virus is very much a reality. However, I have one conspiracy theory of my own which I’ll share in a blog too, as you’ve given me food for thought!

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  16. Without either needing or wishing to comment on your beliefs, Pete, what this post tells me is that you have an open mind, whereas the majority of people who are prepared to believe anything the prime minister [Rupert Murdoch] and the government of the day tell them won’t accept that an alternative view is potentially at least as credible as the one they believe, and it worries me how easily the term ‘conspiracy theory’ is bandied about in a derogatory way, encouraging people to be judgmental & divisive towards anyone who steps out of line; do we want to see lynch mobs again? Cheers, Jon.

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  17. It is all very interesting, Pete. The death rate and the reaction don’t gel, but that doesn’t mean the virus doesn’t exist, it just means it is being used as an excuse to make major changes to the way we live to halt global warming. So there! I am a conspiracy theorist too. I think this is all about saving the planet so I am a conspiracy theorist with a positive attitude.

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