Worse Than No Sun?

It’s only the 2nd of January, but here is my first weather moan of 2021.
(At least I am consistent)

Low Winter Sun. What a pain that is. We have had to close the curtains this morning, due to intense low sunshine that is piercing the house like the beam of an unwanted searchlight. Brighter by far than any normal summer sunshine, it can give you a headache in five seconds flat, believe me.

And if you live in Beetley, don’t even think about driving your car. As soon as you reverse out of the driveway, you will be blinded by an intense light that sunglases cannot cope with at all. Even trying to drive to the end of the street is impossible. You literally cannot see the front of your car.

Add that light reflected off of a damp tarmac road surface, and it is like being in a science-fiction film.

I have to have a SAD lamp because it is usually so dull. But this low sun makes it almost impossible to cope until it moves around later. It is almost worse than having no sun at all.

I know. Never happy! πŸ™‚

62 thoughts on “Worse Than No Sun?

  1. I love the low sun, although I guess its not quite as low as you have it. Here its just above the terrace roof and floods the house with light and heat all day long.
    Look on the bright side, I here you have another beast from the East on the way next week, that should be a nice change for you πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It is crazy to have to avoid the sun when we get so little of it. But it comes into the house at just the right angle to be completely blinding. We literally cannot see to do anything for a few hours. And driving anywhere is too dangerous until after 3 pm.
      Cheers, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beetley: 52.7190Β° N
    Las Vegas: 36.1699Β° N
    The sun spends more time at our latitude.
    And we get roughly 300 sunny days every year. In fact, Las Vegas is ranked #3 on the list of cities in the U.S. with the most days of sunshine.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We don’t have that problem here at home as we have so many trees around. Sometimes there can be a bad glare when I’m driving but fortunately it’s always short lived. Bummer to have the sun be too bright to enjoy!

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  3. We are socked in at the lake, the sun is completely muted, and the birds seem to be extremely happy about the lack of movement on the lake. It feel prehistoric in a way? Here’s to a few clouds to mute our days, C

    Liked by 2 people

  4. At least you could close the curtains. I remember once travelling back from Denver to Texas, on I-25, directly into an absolutely bright winter sun just rising above the horizon, for many miles. Not an experience I’d like to repeat.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We are having another foggy morning here, but I cans still see the sun through the fog. It is lower on the horizon, but perhaps our abundance of mountains and trees block it so as to prevent such an impact. I always open our curtains to let the sun pour in and warm the house so it must be totally different here.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. 38.7 C is the highest temperature ever recorded in England, and that was in 2019. It may be some time before we get to 50 C here, but I have a feeling it will happen eventually.


    1. I know, it’s awful to do that. But I was going into town to buy some bits, and had to abandon the idea. I couldn’t see the road at all, and it was SO dangerous! I will have to go after Ollie’s walk now.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is so dangerous in the car, Robbie. I was going to go out for fresh bread this morning, but decided it was unsafe to do so until later this afternoon.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. I have to agree, but I would have been grateful to see any sun yesterday & today: it poured down most of yesterday, and today it’s snowing/sleeting/raining, so it looks like I might not get a sociable walk in again [and just going out to replenish my log basket will be a soggy operation]. Grrr! Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. One day last week, I actually stopped the car on the way to a shop and walked back home along the street. I waited almost for two hours until the sun had moved around sufficiently for me to be able to see to drive.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


    1. We can’t see the sunrise unless we go outside and turn left to look east. Once the sun moves around to the front windows of the bungalow, we are rushing to close the curtains like nervous vampires! πŸ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete.

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