Rome Around The World

When we think of the Roman Empire, the first things that comes to mind for most of us are the wonderfully preserved ancient buildings in the Italian capital. The Colosseum, Trajan’s Column, The Panthenon, and The Palace of Caesar Augustus. I have been to Rome, and enjoyed seeing all those sights,

But the Romans had a huge empire, covering much of the known world, and it is not only in Italy that you can see evidence of their presence.

Amman, the capital of Jordan.

Tunisia, in North Africa.

Armenia, in the city of Garni.

The city walls of Lugo, Spain.

France, the city of Arles.

France, the city of Nimes.

Algeria, the ancient city of Timgad.

Turkey, the city of Side.

Libya. Roman Sabathra.

England. The city of Bath.

Just a snapshot of the remains of Roman civilsation around the world, places that we can still visit today.

62 thoughts on “Rome Around The World

  1. Pete, I’ve been to Rome, Pompeii, and Herculaneum. I’ve always wanted to visit Arles and Nîmes, as well as the Pont du Gard. But I would definitely grab an opportunity to visit any of the places in the photos you’ve provided.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is particularly awe-inspiring when we try to think of how many of today’s constructions are likely to last another 200 years, let alone another 2,000 years. Certainly our roads don’t last 20 years without significant overhauls 🙃

    Liked by 4 people

  3. As it happens, I’ve been reading a series of books that are historical novels based on the Roman Empire. I have seen some of the amazing ruins but would love to have seen so much more. I always found their history to be fascinating. I remember standing there and trying to imagine the people who lived in those places. I cannot imagine anything we build surviving 2000 years.

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    1. Westminster Abbey is almost 800 years old, and should stand for another 1,000 years with care. But the Roman builders certainly knew their stuff. In fact, if so many of the stones hadn’t been stolen for other building projects after the fall of the empire, they would probably look the same today as when they were being used.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 3 people

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