A Small But Irritating Change

This morning, I noticed a different style in the email notifications I receive for comments on my blog posts.

They now appear as shown below. However, when I click on ‘Reply’, it no longer goes straight to the comment as it did before. Instead it takes me to the top of the post itself, and I have to scroll down to locate the comment. Another small change from WordPress, and a minor irritation in my blogging enjoyment.

New comment on beetleypete

Stevie Turner

commented on A Real Spy Story: Part Twenty-Eight

In response to beetleypete:

This is the twenty-eighth part of a fiction serial, in 897 words. Helen was ready for me the next morning, reasonably well …

Hurray! She’s free!

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71 thoughts on “A Small But Irritating Change

  1. Have you noticed any changes back to the previous format lately? I’m not sure, but to me it looks like I’m getting notifications about comments and likes in my blog in the “old” format again. Only notifications about new posts in other blogs seem to be in the “new” format (still).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe it’s connected with updates in the background, that don’t reach every blog at the same time? My hopes are up. Hopefully I won’t be disappointed. I’m like you: I’ve got used to th enew format but am still wishing for the old system to be back, especially as the new systme doesn’t show links to (randomly seleted) previous posts.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not sure if I’m right and it won’t help us very much, but I think what we’re getting here is the notification version for Android systems, not for windows. I checked some notifications on smartphone, and there they look fine. If so, I think it’s more of a programming glitch than a deliberate change, and – hopefully again – WP might (soon) correct it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We are creatures of habit, and we get used to a certain style. Perhaps it’s impractical, but these things are randomly tossed at us when we’re already happy with the functionality. Not that big a deal to me but certainly noticeable.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hate these types of changes. This is especially true when everything was working so great before they made the change. The most irritating part is they don’t give you the option to opt-out of the change.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I noticed the sudden change with emails of new posts from blogs I follow, with a larger size and change in buttons for comments and likes. It’s annoying and not as attractive in look, but I can deal with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just wish they would leave things alone, Jeanne. Since I posted this under an hour ago, pressing ‘Like’ or ‘Reply’ is now taking me to the bottom of the post concerned, not the relevant part.
      Best wishes, Pete.


          1. They manage to send emails talking about their seminars and webinars to me and all the other millions using WP, Pit. (I have had four already this week) Wouldn’t be hard to add a note that ’email notifications are changing on 20.4.2022′. 🙂
            Best wishes, Pete.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Apart from the different look in my email, for me there has been no change. I click “comment” or “Reply” and that’s where it takes me. I love how changes just occur without warning and you are expected to adjust. No sooner are you acclimatized than they change it all again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stevie, can you, please, explain that a little more? I don’t understand what’s happening when you log on to WP. With me there doesn’t seem to be any difference.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I have to go into ‘Notification Settings’ then ‘Reader Subscriptions’ and then uncheck the box marked ‘Block Emails’. If I don’t do this every time I log in, then I don’t receive notifications of any new posts.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Thanks for the explanation. With me, it’s business as usual as far as notifications are concerned. I’m not sure why, though. I simply cannot imagine that I have never ever logged out of WP.

          Liked by 2 people

    2. Sound like they are fiddling around behind the scenes, Stevie. For a long time now, I haven’t logged out of my WP account. It seemed that something always changed when I logged on again. I just leave it open, and shut down the PC instead.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Same here. It seems to have happened at around 2 AM our time this morning. Notifications before that time look like before.
    What’s missing now: if it is only a notification of a “like”, there’s no reference to posts of the person who “liked” mine. I found that useful as once in a while I clicked on those links.
    Also: when I click on “respond”, your post appears with this at the bottom

    New comment on beetleypete
    Stevie Turner
    commented on A Real Spy Story: Part Twenty-Eight
    In response to beetleypete:
    This is the twenty-eighth part of a fiction serial, in 897 words. Helen was ready for me the next morning, reasonably well …
    Hurray! She’s free!
    Mark as spam
    Modify your notifications settings.

    I hope this is only a temporary glitch. Even with all the sometimes irritating changes we’re used to from WP, I cannot believe that this is intended.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has been all of them for me, Annette. Whether likes or comments, all the WP emails have this new format. My other GMail emails are unaffected, so I am certain it is a WordPress change.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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