So tired…

I have no idea why, but I am so tired lately. Despite decent sleeps, and not getting up too early, I feel as weary as an old man can be. Everything requires an enormous effort, like moving in increased gravity. A good walk of two hours with Ollie leaves me wrecked, and I have little enthusiasm for domestic chores, though I still manage to do them.

I feel like someone else is inhabiting my body. Someone very tired. I don’t recognise this person at all, as it definitely doesn’t feel like me. Small tasks take an age, and undue effort to complete. Things done without thinking, only a few months ago, become as challenging as reaching Everest Base Camp. I wish I had some idea what is going on. On the surface, I feel the same, but I yearn for rest, become irritated with noise, and seek solitude and sleep.

I am only 63 years old, and recently felt on top of the world. I just don’t get it. Does anyone else experience this fatigue, and feeling of malaise? I hope that it’s just not me. That would be worrying.

28 thoughts on “So tired…

  1. I agree, doctor is probably the way forward for peace of mind.
    I would have thought maybe it’s something troubling you but you’ve already crossed that one off the list so perhaps it’s the pollen? Over here it gets bad and overwhelms my senses without me realising it, I get tired and groggy and after a few days put it down to a cold and THEN remember I have hay fever and dose myself up. a few days later I usually feel more “normal”


    1. That’s a thought as I do get hay fever, and the rape seed pollen is around just now. I take tablets, but they are ‘non-drowsy’, so shouldn’t affect me too much. Thanks Sophie, I will bear that in mind.
      As ever, Pete. XX


  2. It could be lethargy breeding lethargy breeding more lethargy, ad infinitum. Your limbs and your mind feel so heavy that it becomes a major effort just to lift your arm to channel surf. By all means see your GP if this persists, but I wouldn’t worry just yet. Every now and again we all succumb to a sort of sense of surrender to the empty passing of time. My advice is try something new. Deviate. Change your routine. You are young if you feel it. A xx


  3. Well Pete, I think the walks with Ollie are doing it. If I were you I’d start jogging and doubling the distance of your excursions then, if you feel tired you’ll know exactly why! Who needs the doctor?

    Always happy to help and advise mate xx

    PS I love my little Canon EOS M . . and it takes all EF lenses if you buy the right mount.


  4. Pete, do yourself a favour and get yourself to a doctor! The salient point is that this is something new (to you)… It may be something simple, treatable, but you should get it checked out (says the retired health care professional)


    1. Thanks Sue. Having worked so long for the NHS myself, I did consider all the more ‘sinister’ possibilities, but don’t have any of the associated symptoms. It’s not depressioneither, just body fatigue. Maybe I need to get fitter, but I will mention this to my GP soon.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I think we don’t have quite the energy or stamina that we had at an earlier age, and that it takes us longer to recover from physical exertion. I take it easier than I used to, although I do push myself between frequent rest stops, whenever I rock scramble. Sometimes it’s just a matter of what day we’re talking about. On some days, I lumber up the staircase, and on other days I leap up them as if I were as light as a feather. It probably has to do with the length and quality of our sleep, the food we’re running on that day, and…the fluctuating effects of age.
    I think your daily walk with Olile is a very good thing for overall fitness, but, as some of your followers have pointed out, there may be other contributing factors. Anyway, take care of yourself.


    1. Thanks David. I have no other symptoms at all, so I am coming to the conclusion that it is part of the process of getting older, and I am having to adjust. Now the weather is better, I might extend my walks with Ollie, by making them take longer, but maybe not walking so fast.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. I’ve been feeling similar today, also mild depression, but chalk most of it up to weather which has been pouring rain all day and the rest to events in my life from the past 3 months catching up to me. Rain is forecast all week, until Saturday morning. I felt much more like myself in the past 4 or 5 days when the sun was shining. Feel better soon.


  7. Some mornings I wake up tired! Then by evening I am wide awake! I reckon it is an age thing, but if you have had a change of medication it is worth mentioning at your next check-up. Or maybe you just need a holiday – a change of scene!


    1. Sound advice Jude. I had thought it might just be getting older, and not making allowances for that fact, trying to do the same things I did years ago. I will talk to my GP when I next see her.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  8. Get it checked out by a doctor.

    I’ve had ME/CFS for 13 years, so I’m well used to fatigue. However, about three years ago I began to feel more than usually fatigued and just ignored it, assuming it was the ME/CFS. It wasn’t. After a year going down hill, I eventually landed at the doc’s to have something else checked out. He did a run of other tests, just because he’d got me in his office… and it turned out that I was both severely B12 deficient and mildly hypothyroid. The former is extremely dangerous. It was already destroying my nervous system. I’d lost some of the feeling in my feet, for example, without even noticing. It can also make your legs and/or arms feel heavy. Or you can get numbness, tingling or mysterious shooting pains. As with hypothyroidism, it’s more common as folks get older.

    So please get yourself to the doc and have it checked out, just in case. There are all manner of causes of fatigue, but some of them are remarkably easy to treat.


    1. Ros, some good advice there, and received with thanks too. I believe that much of the problem is caused by Statins, which my present doctor took me off of, after discovering muscle wastage caused by them. I will be mentioning this to my GP though, the next time that I am due an eye check for Glaucoma, which isn’t too long off now.
      Best wishes from Norfolk. Pete.


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