Sick Children

I have just been eating my lunchtime sandwich while watching the TV News. Then a report came on that both revolted and outraged me, leaving me shouting and swearing at the television.

The social media platform WhattsApp has something called ‘The Catapult Group’. It has hundreds of members, mostly of school age into the mid-teens, celebrating the use catapults to kill and injure small animals with catapulted missiles.

They film the results on their mobile phones, upload to the platform, and then compete with others to see who can kill or injure the most wildlife. Many of those videos are watched thousands of times, encouraging them to continue this barbarism.

Animals killed or seriously injured include Squirrels, Rabbits, small Deer, and various rodents. Birds include Swans, Geese, Ducks, and birds of prey including Falcons. They even go out after dark using torches, to kill Owls perched in trees.

I cannot even comprehend the appaling ignorance of parents who might know their children are using catapults to do this, let alone those who might even pay for the catapults and give them to children aged between 8-16. But the actions of those children have long-term consequences, and not only for the poor animals and birds they kill or mutilate.

Extensive research since the 1960s has shown that most serial killers and child killers begin by killing, torturing, or abusing small animals. How long will it be before some members of this group start using the catapults to kill or seriously injure other children?

So, are we tolerating the ‘training’ of hundreds of future murderers? Why does this social media platform not step in to remove the videos and close down the Catapult Group?

Catapults are sadly not illegal in the UK. Many are used by fishermen to shoot bait into rivers and lakes. Some are used by so-called ‘target shooters’, who can easily buy catapults online, some even equipped with laser sights.

In my opinion, it is time to not only actively prosecute the children who are victimising these animals and birds, but also to make owning and carrying a catpult a criminal offence. I have included a link to a short video to give you some idea of why I am so angry. It is 6 minutes long, and contains distressing images of animal cruelty.

This leaves me wondering what kind of country I am living in, and what the future is going to be like.

If you share that same outrage, please share this post on any social media that you are a member of.

Margaret Thatcher: The Reality

Since I started blogging, I have seen a lot of opinions on social media about Margaret Thatcher. She is often praised as ‘Strong’, ‘Determined’, and lauded because she was the first female Prime Minister in the UK.

However, one man summed her up nicely, and in my opinion, truthfully.

That man is the former Labour politician and supporter of the working-class, Dennis Skinner.

‘Dennis Edward Skinner is a British former politician who served as Member of Parliament for Bolsover for 49 years, from 1970 to 2019. A member of the Labour Party, he is known for his left-wing views and republican sentiments. Before entering Parliament, he worked for more than 20 years as a miner’.

He is 92 years old today, and I am publishing this to let him know I agree with him 100%.

Two Thoughts For The Day

This is the official portrait of King Charles III.

At a time when most people are struggling to pay heating bills in the winter, and many are using charity food banks to supplement their weekly food shopping, the government has spent £8,000,000 on producing framed photos of this portrait to be hung in schools and public buildings.


Nobody knows why he has all of those military medals, or what he ever did to earn them.

This is my other thought this morning.

Generation Z: A Guest Post From Gavin Marriott

Gavin lives in New Zealand and acts as a Justice of the Peace there. He has some thoughts about the current generation.

Generation Z = those now at high school till early 20s.

I saw an article on Stuff, which I have quoted from, and it answered a few questions for me. Over the last couple of years, I have had high school and now working kids, come to me as a JP and dictate the terms of engagement. That is, when I ask them a question, they will answer with “you can’t ask me that”. Several even told me “I do not want you talking to me”. When I told one she had filled out a form wrong, she replied “You have no right to tell me I’ve done something wrong”. They will usually arrive with a “support person”.
Naturally I reported on all this to our Federation training sessions, to find others have had the same experience. One magistrate reported that she got scolded for daring to tell one of these Zeds what to do. When one chap was given a sentence, he replied with “I don’t like that, I will do this instead”.

They are described as believing they can work as actors in a Hollywood movie where they can live their truth – the egocentric La La Land. But current Hollywood stars describe them as “annoying”. “They’re like, ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’m gonna come in at 11am.’”

In emails where their grammar is incorrect, they’re like, “Why would I correct that, isn’t that kind of limiting?’”
How will they own a home when they only want to work 4 hours. They are demanding flexibility to work remotely, more time off, better perks and higher pay = a defiant approach to employment. 80% expect to be given mental health days (yes a new epidemic of mental illness). For example, having a conversation with a stranger is so stressful. Being told off requires involvement of the school counsellor.
70% want to work remotely. This is a generation that completed university degrees in their childhood bedrooms. For them, working from home is the norm.

They have a new language, a jargon. Words like “quiet quitting” (where employees do the bare minimum, without putting in any extra hours or effort). Their version of success is not our version of success. They don’t know the difference between work and holiday.
Will Gen Z’s reluctance to work have an impact on productivity? Americans fear it could end capitalism. In NZ older people who generally vote National will be dead by the time this generation would not tolerate National with a barge pole and curse our current elders. You will note the Green vote is growing in NZ and worldwide.

A study put this generations attention span at 8.25 seconds – a goldfish can last for 9.

What has led to all this?
They are the result of “helicopter parents”.
Technology may have a good deal to answer for. Their soft brain matter had been moulded by screens from day one with instant gratification.

I believe the answer lies in WHEN they were educated. That is between 2005 to currently. Have you noticed current high school students all out protesting? Where do they learn that from? Teachers? The syllabus? Is this generation being brainwashed?
What I do know, is you don’t tell them off!

What They Said…

Here is something political for the 26th, known here as ‘Boxing Day’. It is called Boxing Day because that was the one time of year when domestic servants in the Victorian era were given ‘boxes’ containing gifts from their rich employers, and allowed one day off to visit their own families.

Some favourite quotes I agree with.

What he said.

Definitely what he said.

Another truth that needs to be heard.

Political Shame

I was going to post this on my other blog, but decided it should be seen here.

The Conservative Party politician, Liz Truss, held the job of Prime Minister in the United Kingdom for just 45 days. During that time her policies caused financial catastrophe for this country, resulting in her resignation.

Prime Ministers are allowed to claim a pension of £125,000 for life when they leave office. They can also decline that pension. (Gordon Brown did)

Liz Truss is still a member of parliament, (for South Norfolk) earning a salary of almost £90,000 a year, plus expenses. Former Prime Ministers are allowed to claim a minimum of £115,000 a year in expenses plus the usual ‘living costs’ expenses, (no limit on those) and she has claimed everything, so I understand.

Yet she has decided to accept the additonal ex-Prime Minister’s pension of £125,000 a year for life, despite only serving in that job for less than two months.

Greed, entitlement, arrogance.

I only have one word for her.


Staying To The End

I read an article yesterday that I found quite upsetting. It was an appeal from the organisation that represents Vets in the UK.

‘More than 90% of dog-owners refuse to stay with their dog when it is being put to sleep’.

It seems that most people find it too distressing to be with their dog in its final moments, and leave the dog to be euthanised by the Vet and their assistant. While I can understand just how emotional it can be to be with your beloved pet at that time, I had no idea just how many people do not wait with their dog to see it through and comfort the dog as it slips away.

The appeal was asking for dog owners to reconsider that decision. Vets were quoted as saying that most dogs become visibly distressed once their owners leave the premises. They look around, whine, try to get up and follow them, and appear unhappy to be in the company of strangers in a scary and unfamiliar place as they wait to die.

As a dog-lover who has been with many dogs in that situation, I was appalled to read this. It seems obvious to me that a dog will be content as long as its owner is there, and even though it cannot really understand what is happening, your presence brings peace and reassurance.

I could never leave Ollie alone like that, no matter how upset I will be.

So I echo the appeal of the Vets. Please think again. Stay with your dog, no matter what. The dog has given you love, loyalty, and companionship all of its short life, and the least you can do is to be brave enough to stand by its side at the end.

Please share this post to spread the message to dog-owners all over the world.