The Last Sunday Musings For August

We had some summer this week. A few perfect days of blue skies and sunshine before it became overcast and humid by Thursday afternoon. Rain arrived on Saturday at 3pm, along with a drop in temperature from 24C to 17C.


Ollie had a reasonable week, though some more ear irritation from his wax-laden ears meant that I had to do two ear-washes instead of one, as his head shaking was starting again.
He is booked in for his pre-holiday bath on Friday, so I am hoping his ears settle down before he goes to the groomer.


Julie is going to Sandringham with a friend today, to watch Robbie Williams (and support acts) in an open-air concert. They are staying overnight in a hotel in Kings Lynn, and hoping for no rain during the 6-hour show.


Overall another quiet week, with little of interest to report. However, given how busy we are going to be during September, it’s probably just as well.


I hope you enjoy your Sunday in good weather, wherever you are.


49 thoughts on “The Last Sunday Musings For August

  1. I hope Ollie is better and everything goes to plan. We also have a break coming up in September, although here the weather is less likely to be a problem. (Mind you, we’ve just survived a horrendous heatwave, and have plenty of rain to come, so one never knows. We sure need it!) Thanks, Pete, and have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. a concert at Sandringham, i presume at the royal?? Well if it rains they could go indoors. Its spring here the end of this coming week and the daffodils & other blossoms are out already. Its been a strange winter, all over the place, freezing when the womens world cup footballers were here.
    We also have elections coming up and it looks like an inexperience tory govt will take over. The public here just want change cos our current govt is apparently to blame for covid & the cost of living increase thanks to Russia.

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  3. (1) Last Thursday, we had an intense rainstorm: wind, rain, and hail. It last half an hour or so. Now that the cool-down of the “monsoon” moment is over, the mercury is soaring again…
    (2) It’s good for ears to settle down, as long as they don’t settle down too far, like, you know, on the floor.
    (3) I once threw a slice of ham into a ring in the sand. (Some crabs came along and ate it.)
    (4) I wish my credit card had little interest to report…
    (5) Hot, dry, and sunny today here in the Mojave Desert. But summer will begin to lose its grip on Southern Nevada in the next couple of weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He is not aware of holidays as such. Not until the car stops and he realises he is in a different place with us. Truth be told, he much prefers to stay in Beetley, with his familiar walks. But we need a change of scene once a year.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  4. Robbie had a short run of popularity here in the US Pete, with “Angels” of course…but he didn’t keep it going here even though “Millennium” and “Let Love Be Your Energy” are both terrific as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can take or leave him. Julie was/is a big fan of Take That, so naturally pleased to get that spare ticket to see Robbie. He remains as popular as ever here.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Oh, Pete! Don’t remind me on another month has flown by soon. Sorry, i have to read a lot of missed sequels of your interesting serial. The last i remember was he could get in trouble. I wish you a wonderful rest of Sunday, and a good start into the new week! xx Michael

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Ollie– I hope that he is feeling better …wse had some summer too– a little over a hundred degrees worth of summer–My friend and I went to an Egyptian festival yesterday and had Schwarma beef sandwiches– interesting —I hope you are enjoying your weekend too my friend.

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  7. Sitting in the conservatory watching a torrential downpour, supposed to be going to a bar b q this afternoon 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 have a good Sunday and week to come Pete and XX to Ollie.

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