Sunday Musings At The End Of October

The clocks went back one hour last night. My body told me to wake up at the normal time. Except it wasn’t the normal time, and I was not about to get up at 05:20. So I stuggled to get back to sleep, eventually emerging from the bedroom at 08:15, which in my mind was of course 09:15. Now I fear it will seem like a long day, and I will spend much of it wishing we could finally abandon this practice, which was originally introduced during WW1 in 1915.


The weather has dominated my thoughts this past week, but as I wrote a whole post about that yesterday, I will only add that it rained heavily all night from 8pm, and has now stopped.


I think we are finally getting used to Ollie’s snoring. We have our grandson staying for the weekend, and yesterday morning he announced “Ollie snores REALLY loudly”. My old dog is enjoying the colder weather though, and has been lively on his walks this week.


I hope you are having a happy day where you are, and not having to contend with the change in time.


57 thoughts on “Sunday Musings At The End Of October

  1. I can’t see any point to the change either, and every time I hear something about it, I hope they’ll finally decide to give up on it. I have the feeling I spent have of the night going up and down, checking things, and changing clocks, phones (my mother’s phone isn’t a smartphone and she was going out in the morning, so I didn’t want her to get confused), and watches… Anyway, it’s done now. Good about Ollie (not his snoring, but his enjoying the cooler weather). πŸ˜‰

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  2. Good to hear Ollie is feeling lively! Get some earplugs for the grandson! Our time changes in November this year so we’re still waiting. It’s hard to believe how fast this year has passed? I’m already thinking about Christmas. Hugs, C

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  3. The time change comes next week here in North America and I hate it! Darkness at 4:30 pm is incredibly depressing. 😦 Our province would like to drop it, but they will only do it if the neighbouring province (Quebec) and the bordering U.S. state of New York go along as well. So far, no action on that front. Glad to know Ollie is doing well. A lot of dogs snore, but yes, you get used to it. Sorry you’ve been having bad weather. We have, as well. Dark, rainy, cold – UGH! May you have a better week ahead.

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  4. (1) Back to the future next spring. In the meantime, you just have to let the flux capacitor do its thing…
    (2) I give creedence to these wise melodic words:
    ♬ Long as I remember the rain been comin’ down
    ♬ Clouds of mystery pourin’ confusion on the ground
    ♬ Good men through the ages tryin’ to find the sun
    ♬ And I wonder, still I wonder, who’ll stop the rain?
    Too bad that rain’s clearwater creates gooey mud in Beetley and Hoe Meadows. But the sun will soon bring about a dry earth revival.
    (3) More wise (and somewhat -poe-tic) words:
    — Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak days of Fall;
    — And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the wall.
    — Eagerly I wished the morrow had one less daylight hour to borrow
    — Hoping from my clock surcease of sorrow from the loss of shadow at the bedroom door
    — And yearned for rare and radiant moonshine whilst Ollie continued to snore
    — But feared losing an hour of nightly sleep for evermore.
    (4) The clock will not fall back here this weekend. But it will happen. Give it time.

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  5. We do have to contend with the time changes … so that big shots can have a little more time on the golf courses and so that the brats do not have to stand too long in the dark waiting for their school bus. It is a pain in the ass. But we are stuck with it. It also messes with the intellectual integrities of the human being and might actually be a stressor that is harmful to health.

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  6. DST a month ago here. No good for the cows & those who milk them. We in NZ have a 40 min sunrise sunset variance from the E-W angle of our islands anyway & coming into summer the N-S variance causes 11pm sunsets down south.

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  7. These days time changes seem rather unnecessary. Was it for Scottish farmers to give them longer working hours? Or so children can come home from school in the light? If it wasn’t a European concept I’d prefer Berlin Time or double Summer Time for long light evenings. Greenwich Mean Time has now been proved to be inaccurate by satellite navigation and zero longitude falls across a nearby field. I think I’ll stick to a sundial, not useful in rainy Beetley.

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    1. This from the Internet, David.
      ‘Germany became the first country to adopt daylight saving time. The UK did the same a few weeks later, along with many other nations involved in the First World War (1914-1918). Within a few years of its introduction, many countries across the world adopted Daylight Saving Time’.
      It was to give more light in the mornings for farmers. Now they have tractors with Satnavs and headlights.
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. He sleeps in the kitchen with the door closed, so it’s more like ‘background noise’. But before he goes to bed, he does snore very loudly in the living room. We have to increase the volume when we are watching TV. πŸ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  8. We do ours next week, so yes – here we go again!
    Our Congress was supposed to look into stopping all this, but as you know, they’ve been too busy arguing among themselves!

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  9. We have another week before it goes back here. We may get some cooler weather next week but I am not holding my great….Ollie is enjoying is sleep that is all the matters…LOL Have a great Sunday. chuq

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  10. Pouring down here, Pete, which means I’ve had to ask one of my friends for a lift to rehearsal at lunchtime, as it would make no sense arriving there bedraggled after walking; thankfully, they all do it willingly, for which I am very grateful. Every year, there is some sort of campaign to keep the clocks at one setting, instead of this biannual resetting, but it always has low priority [understandably, I suppose] so it’s ignored, and we just have to complain & comply. One of life’s minor vicissitudes, I suppose πŸ˜‰ Cheers, Jon.

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  11. As usual I put the clocks back in the early evening so went to bed at the ‘proper’ time and woke up OK in new time! Grey and rainy here already. Glad Ollie is doing OK, apart from the snoring!

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