Mid-May Sunday Musings

The end of a good week. A trip to Suffolk, which I have already posted about, and an easygoing time with nothing too dramatic happening.


The weather was the star of the show, with sunny skies and high temperatures most days, followed by first-time sightings of the Northern Lights on Friday. The mud has finally dried up on my walks, though that might change with the chance of thunderstorms later tonight. There may also be a dramatic fall in temperatures by up to 10C during next week. But by English standards, we have had a taste of Summer, so that’s a real positive.


I find it incredible that I am still meeting people on my walks who did not know that Ollie has died. One lady was so upset by the news that she engaged me in conversation for more than 30 minutes, and she doesn’t even have a dog. He is certainly remembered by all, and missed by many.


Julie has been working extra shifts to cover unexpected absences at work. But on her day off she went straight back to baking, and is already planning new bakes for next time. Her twin daughters have their birthday tomorrow, so later today she is driving over to see them with their gifts.


Have a great Sunday. Doing what you want to do, where you want to do it.


42 thoughts on “Mid-May Sunday Musings

  1. At last it’s sunny and warm! I’ve been out on the bike without a coat for the first time today. Can’t wait to go to the IOW next Thursday with our son and his family and Sam’s sisters. All I know is that I won’t be doing any baking!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (1) Something dramatic is waiting in the wings. (But at least you can dismiss rumors of a Hitchcockian pterodactyl attack.)
    (2) So you’ve been listening to Donna Summer albums of late? If you want a taste of Summer, go easy on the hot stuff.
    (3) Ollie was a local celebrity with a worldwide fan base.
    (4) Julie, in her best Terminator voice, “I’ll be baking!”
    (5) I’m not sure what I’ll be doing today. But here’s an interesting bit of news. The ABBA Voyage avatar concert series, currently being produced at the London Theatre, is going to be coming eventually to Las Vegas, with the venue of choice reportedly being Resorts World. Many months of preparation will be necessary…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought the ABBA concert/experience using CGI or whatever was strange. They should either appear in person, or retire. They certainly have enough money, as they are apparently wealthier than Volvo Cars!

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Quite a week indeed Pete…lots of travel for me, a new show filmed and premiering in June, and back to New York where I sit with coffee reading about everyone who saw the northern lights from their homes, while I saw nothing but clouds!

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  4. it all sounds good, and even though it’s hard to talk about your loss of ollie, it shows how he impacted so many lives, and he refuses to let you forget –

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m enjoying the sunshine while it’s here, Pete: we can lose it so easily. A bit of a tan will be useful for the next stage character I’m playing at the end of the month, so it will save on fake tan 😉 Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Rare, I think, for weather to be the star in England! But when it’s good over there it is so appreciated. I’m glad you had a good week. Our continued cloud deprived us of viewing the lights. Oh well.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. End of autumn here with winter frosts but glorious sunny days.

    The southern lights were so glorious here last night, clearly visible to the naked eye.

    I went for a drive to see mums grave for ‘Mothers Day’ and on to Lake Tekapo with its turquoise waters – snow on the sides of the road, the brown tussock contrasting the Southern Alps. Went to the hot pools. No doubt these scenes will be in the new Lord of the Ring films.

    The only thing missing was Julies baking!

    Liked by 2 people

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