41 thoughts on “Monday Was Bread-Baking Day

    1. Julie bought a bread machine some time ago. She tried it twice, and was unhappy with the loaves. So she found a reliable recipe on a packet of flour and used that to make the bread by hand with her stand mixer and dough-hook.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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        1. Yes, Julie has had great results with those, and saved her hands from long efforts at hand mixing with a hand blender. But the main thing to concentrate on is proving the dough in a warm place for the allocated time. Otherwise it doesn’t rise properly. We use the cupboard that stores our hot-water tank.

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    1. Julie didn’t like the bread machine she bought, so she uses a very old recipe book and makes it using her stand mixer dough hook and by hand. It’s all in allowing the dough to prove and rise properly, apparently. 😉

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Since I got Julie the new stand mixer, we enjoy home-made bread almost every week, ladies. It is more filling than bread from the bakery, and conatins no preservatives.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

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