More Help From Our Helpful Neighbour

Julie recently ordered some cheap waterproof (fake rattan in resin) garden/patio furniture. It came in one large box, and considering it was supposed to contain a 2-seat sofa with cushions, 2 small armchairs with cushions, and a glass-topped centre table, I was dubious that it had all arrived.

So on Sunday, given a bright and sunny afternoon, we decided to open the mysterious box and investigate.

With the packing skills of a magician, the company had indeed managed to cram all that into one box. It also contained dozens of screws/bolts and washers, an Allen key, and rubber rests for the sheet of glass. Yes, those dreaded words were used in the instruction leaflet.

“Easy self-assembly”

This was not a project for one person, as someone had to hold the pieces together while the other person contorted themselves around on the ground to attach the fixings. The leaflet showed what to do, but didn’t mention two people would be required. With Julie’s knee not fit enough for any kneeling or moving around on the ground, we had no alternative but to telephone our eternally helpful neighbour, and see if he was free to help.

He happily took over fixing duties while I stood and held the pieces together as he tightened the screws/bolts. Fortunately, each piece had a letter sticker, so it was ‘Part C to Part C1, and 1 x A at one end, 1 x B at the other, and so on. After 90 minutes of wrangling the numerous pieces in the hot sun, our neighbour departed after once again proving he is worth his weight in gold.

Julie and I sat on the new furniture on the lawn, and enjoyed a cold beer. Yesterday afternoon, the optional full cover for winter arrived, and we covered it even though it wasn’t raining.

Just because we could.

42 thoughts on “More Help From Our Helpful Neighbour

  1. Those are the best neighbors to have. Hopefully, you can find a way to repay him in some way. Perhaps a couple of those delicious loaves of bread that I saw in your last post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have helped out a lot in the past. Taking care of their (now sadly departed) dog when they were on holiday, feeding their cat when they are away. Any favours they need, as we have been good friends since the day we moved here from London.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This reminds me of the model airplanes my younger brother put together when he was a kid. The instructions said something like, “Fold Flap A into Slot B.” I’m glad you got it all put together, and I hope the furniture lasts for a long time.


    1. He is a lifesaver. We are good friends with him and his wife, and try to help them with things I can do, like cat feeding when they are on holiday, and walking their dog. (Before the dog died)

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Life-affirming neighbourly solidarity in these eerily divided times. Thank you, as ever, for sharing good news about human nature, Pete! XX

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beetley is an old-fashioned place, with helpful neighbours, good manners, and a community spirit. We are lucky we moved here. (Sorry you are Anonymous)
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. I asked him to stay for a beer or coffee, but he wanted to get back to his house to do something else. We are good friends, and have regularly gone out for restaurant meals together. He has every tool known to man, and seems to be able to fix almost anything!

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations, Pete! Well done. DIY is the new lifestyle, since some years. The producers save a lot of money, which the costumer has to pay twice. 😉 But I have to admit that the fastening material from China is far better than e.g.B. in my case the German wall dowels. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person

  5. After 80mph winds blew through last week, took down limbs and killed power I ended up being the helpful geezer with a chainsaw and garage door opening skills for the unequipped young couples, tool challenged foreigners, damsel in distress divorced, the hand wringing gay couple and the older than me widowers.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. If you ever fancy moving to Beetley, remember property is relatively cheap here! I know at least one tool-challenged person who could use that kind of help. (Well done with that though, I’m sure they appreciated you)

      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Poor Pete: I guess you don’t enjoy playing Twister either? 😉 If you do have a garden of any size, it is lovely to be able sit out comfortably and enjoy the sunshine while we are blessed with it! My little yard gets the sun until early afternoon this time of year, so I enjoy sitting out when time permits: good for topping up the vitamin D 😀 Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We have a good-sized rectangular lawn shaded by trees and hedges, and a lower pation about 10 feet by 10 sheltered by walls. I just hope we get some nice days to be able to sit outside on both.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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