29 thoughts on “Fun For A Sunny Friday

  1. (1) Nein to five? Works for me!
    (2) “I prayed all night long for a window seat. And who gets it? Francis the talking mule!”
    (3) Online dating must work. That couple is perfect for each other!
    (4) That’s a cool photo of the proud father, the A/C repairman!
    (5) Cyberdiapers were made for gigapoopers.
    (6) The actual photo does show a little bit mow.
    (7) “Refused gym membership? Oh well, back to the couch. There’s a football game on at three, and a six pack of beer in the fridge.”
    (8) I have as much interest in solar panels as an Inuk has for polar sandals.
    (9) Simple explanation: cats refuse to drink carbonated water.
    (10) Merging down to one plain? I’ve never herd of such nonsense!
    (11) Chief Broken Record is proud of his vinyl tent. It only cost him $45. Out-side A gets all the attention, but the chief is partial to in-side B, which is adorned with illustrations of Kokopelli playing the flute.

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