Cheer Me Up Tuesday

It appears that some of those aches and pains that I attributed to gardening were caused by something else. I went to bed early last night suffering with an annoying cough and the beginnings of a congested head. After 10 hours of solid sleep I don’t feel a great deal better, so I have started taking a course of Cold and Flu tablets.

I need some old paintings jokes to cheer me up, hope you enjoy them.

57 thoughts on “Cheer Me Up Tuesday

  1. Laughter is the best medicine, Pete! I’m sorry you’re feeling that way, though. My friend, Chris, and I are huge BBC fans (think anything Jane Austen, The Office, etc..) I always send him “Renaissance” themed memes and we crack each other up. Even if others might think we’re weird! LOL. Take care, Pete.

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  2. (1) I imagine a lot of authors dream of having their books made into movies, but at the same time are painfully aware that the movies will be very different in a bad way, and that the movies will endure while their books will be neglected.
    (2) As far as cat people go, I have a soft spot for Nastassja Kinski.
    (3) When you say “possibly” instead of “could be.”
    (4) Jesus has a soft spot for this guy, but, at the same time, is very much annoyed by him.
    (5) One of his descendants texts while driving a Ford Falcon.
    (6) She’s joking, of course. But is he joking when he claims to be the Boston Strangler’s great-great-grandfather? (He may be happy to comply with her wish.)
    (7) My name is Cusack, and I’m going to draw you a Map of the Human Heart.
    (8) “Take it back, Stork. I want to abort!”
    (9) Unsympathetic brother, “Go ahead and have midnight cry, Sis!”
    (10) It’s okay. She’s grown a tail and a set of gills, and is ready to go preach the gospel in Atlantis.

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    1. I don’t like it when a persistent cough makes your chest muscles hurt, then you try not to cough because you know what’s going to happen if you do. Thanks, Carolyn.

      Best wishes, Pete.


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