37 thoughts on “Thursday Chuckles

      1. Those covid days were tough. Sorry you had such a bad time of it. I had it twice, pretty miserable both times, but I’ve had worse bouts of the flu. Maybe all those shots I had helped mitigate the severity, but who really knows?

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  1. These are hilarious! Especially the dude with the joint telling a story.

    I can explain the last one – it was painted by a rabbit. It’s every rabbit’s dream to enslave a sighthound and ride on its back, with the threat of a lungworm-carrying snail to keep it in its place.

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    1. As so few people at the time could read words, I suspect the combination of the animals was supposed to represent something everyone would understand. No chance of any of us understanding it now of course. 😊

      Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. These are hilarious. And yes, there’s nothing more annoying than some random bloke telling you to ‘smile darling’ – especially when you’re having a bad day

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