39 thoughts on “Friday Smiles

  1. I was going to write a comment about all of these memes, but I’m too busy peeling potatoes and looking out the window at the lady next door who is drinking a hot cup of cocoa while keeping her cat away from the birdseed.

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    1. When I was younger, I had a girlfriend who always brought her friend on our dates because she felt sorry for her. That was a very short relationship, as you might imagine.

      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. I actually did that once. I rang in sick for the afternoon, then the next day I phoned to say I was resigning. I hadn’t had the job very long, a matter of months, and wasn’t happy there. (I was only 21 at the time) I had to go in on the Friday to hand back a company car, and that was that.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I find it interesting how many different interpretations people can come up with to attach to these old paintings! It also shows how many of us share the same slightly cynical view of life 😀 Cheers, Jon.

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