A Mixed-Up Monday

This morning, we had to take Julie’s car down to a place in town to have an annual service and government inspection. It had to be there by 11am, so not too much of a rush. I followed behind, to bring her back while it was left there.

Unfortunately, it transpired that she had actually booked it in (online) for next Monday, and they couldn’t do it today. As we were already in town, we drove the extra couple of miles to Yaxham, and had breakfast in the rather elegant cafe at Yaxham Waters. After that, we drove home to drop off one of the cars and go through the shopping list for today’s big shop.

Then it was back the way we had just come to get the shopping done in the huge supermarket. Once that was home and packed away, the day had turned very warm and pleasant, so we decided to sit outside on the new garden furniture, have a couple of beers, and watch the birds as we enjoyed an afternoon breeze.

As a result, we have only just come inside which means there is no serial episode today.

47 thoughts on “A Mixed-Up Monday

    1. It was a rarity for us to eat breakfast in a nice cafe. That only happens a couple of times a year. But it was a nice bonus following that mix-up.

      Best wishes, Pete.


  1. I watched a video of the Miami, FL Memorial Day air & sea show. They had demonstrations from all the military branches, land, sea & air, plus the British Red Devils. Great show! There are bits and pieces of it on Youtube.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Red Devils and Red Arrows do lots of Summer shows along the UK coast, and they are very popular. Just recently, the Red Arrows were practicing thier show over Beetley. Julie saw them, I was in town and missed it. We live 80 miles south of their base in Lincolnshire, but 80 miles is no distance in a jet plane. 😊

      Best wishes, Pete.

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