Beetleypete’s Sunday School: Know Your Wines

Anyone who knows me will tell you I am partial to a glass or more of red wine. In every country I have ever visited, I have sampled the local red wine, and with so many affordable wines now available in major supermarkets, I am often spoilt for choice. So here is some Sunday homework for you, on one of my favourite subjects. Wine!


30 thoughts on “Beetleypete’s Sunday School: Know Your Wines

  1. Goodness! This is quite helpful but rather overwhelming, with so many choices. I was never any good at choosing wines but I once got a bottle of New Zealand Cloudy Bay which turned out to be lovely. I used to enjoy wine a lot. If I ever have it now I usually top it with seltzer (soda water) to make a spritzer.

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  2. As a fellow ‘wino’, I enjoyed this post! 🙂 My preferences are for European wines, dry, not fruity, and mostly white, especially the dry Pinot Grigios from Alto Adige, like Wilhelm Walch or Santa Margherita.

    When it comes to red, I have to stick to low (Spanish Tempranillo) or no (French Beaujolais) tannins; every other red wine upsets my stomach.

    Dry varieties of French champagne, Spanish cava or Italian prosecco are all great for celebrations, or just any time the mood strikes.

    Cheers! 🥂 🍾 🍷

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  3. A great resource for those that are novices….I am partial to wines of Spain, France and Argentina….it depends on what I have with it I do enjoy a little Cava and OJ from time to time…..chuq

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  4. So many to choose from! I probably don’t have a sophisticated palate, so I think it’s great how the supermarkets in the UK sell what tastes to me like perfectly decent wines at a very affordable price. It’s more of a lunchtime or social occasion drink for me, because I know how easy it is to get into the habit of drinking it too frequently; I have good self-control though 😉 Cheers, Jon.

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    1. I’m not a wine snob, and happy to pay £5-£6 for a bottle in supermarkets. I have cut back from the days when I was drinking 6 bottles a week though. Now I have one glass a day over the weekend, and nothing at all Mon-Thurs.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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  5. Fun set of maps! Back in the day, I sat the WSET (wine and spirits education trust) exams for fun, came away with an A* and a most useful knowledge of wine varieties and regions

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  6. I could go on a world tour of wines, but sweet white for me. There was a glut of red wine in Marlborough a few years ago & rather than sell it off cheap & set a new price trend – they dug a huge hole in the ground & poured 40 tons in.

    Now Pete, if you have trouble going to the toilet too much at night, there is a red wine for you . . . Pinot More

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    1. You can buy alcohol-free wine, but that’s pointless really, as it is about imbibing some alcohol in my case. I would recommend something like a White Grenache, which has an element of sweetness about it. Not something I would drink myself, but good for someone who doesn’t usually drink wine. (Keep it refrigerated for the best taste)

      Best wishes, Pete.

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