Sunday Musings At The End Of The Heatwave

After an uncomfortable night for sleeping, it is set to get even hotter today, with a maximum of 31C forecast. But that forecast also stated that this will be the end of the unusual June heatwave, with temperatures dropping by 10C tomorrow, to a more ‘normal’ 21-22. That will not only be most welcome for undisturbed sleep, but also for poor Ollie, who has literally been flattened by the heat this past week. He has even gone so far as to lie down on the stone tiles on the kitchen floor, trying to find the coldest spot in the house.


Summer in Britain also brings a lack of interesting things to watch on TV, as the companies don’t bother that much with new drama, presuming nobody is sitting inside watching, I suppose. And we currently have non-stop coverage of the Glastonbury Music Festival on the BBC channels, but that has never really interested me despite my lifelong love of music. This is why we have a PVR, so that there is always something to watch when we settle down after dinner.


Last night I went to bed early, intending to lie in front of the large fan we have in the bedroom, and perhaps try to start reading again. But after one page of a book I have still not finished, I closed my Kindle Tablet and went to sleep. I wonder if I will ever be able to finish a book again. Since the Pandemic I have lost my concentration for reading books, and I have absolutely no idea why that is.


There used to be a TV advert here for a brand of medicine. The catchphrase was “Summer cold? Or is it Flu?” I remember the ad, but cannot remember the brand name of the drug you could buy. I mention this because Julie and I have caught something ‘nasty’ since the weather got really hot. She has had it worse than me, with a bad cough that is worse in the evenings, and laryngitis that caused her to lose her voice for two days. We both still have it, including a runny nose, and sore throat. I am taking tablets to help, and Julie did a Covid test, just in case. It was negative.


Wherever you are, heatwave or not, I hope you are having an enjoyable Sunday.
