
So far, 2019 has felt like a strange year to me. It is already May, and as I mentioned previously, it seems to be going by fast. Almost too fast for comfort.
We had summer weather at the wrong time, and now wintry weather when it should be improving.

I feel unsettled, restless, and in need of ‘something to happen’, though I have no idea what.

I have reached the age where big changes and upheavals in life are not usually welcomed. However, I am left thinking that some kind of revolutionary change in my life might yet be desirable. I must try to break out of my self-imposed routine, that of a life centred around Beetley, and my dog Ollie. Although I have almost lost all desire to travel far afield, I have a niggling wanderlust that snaps at my heels. Unfortunately, my financial situation does not allow me to currently indulge in such fancies.

Discombobulated is a good word. This is the dictionary definition.
Confused and disconcerted.
“he is looking a little pained and discombobulated”

That seems to sum up the unease pervading my thought process at the moment.

Although there is more of this year left than has already passed, it feels as if it is almost over, in the first week of May.

Anyone else experiencing this? It’s probably just me.

It usually is.