Plastic Surgery: A Halloween Special

I have never really been a fan of surgical alteration to the bodies we were born with, unless it is for genuine medical reasons, or to remove something unsightly. Years ago, it was suggested to me that I have the bags under my eyes surgically removed, as they are supposedly ‘horrible’. But I would sooner put up with them than face going under the knife around my eyes. Who knows what complications might arise?

In recent times, many women have taken the advantage of having their breasts enlarged, and even their bums made curvier. Men have had pectoral muscles enhanced, and some even endured the treatment for penis extensions. And both sexes have also had face-lifts. That’s up to them of course. It’s their body, their money, and if it makes them feel better, then I suppose that’s a good thing. Just not for me.

But the next time you are thinking about having your lips re-plumped with filler, or your wrinkles smoothed out with Botox, remember one thing. You eventually get old, no matter how much money you spend. Those years of looking your best now may come back to haunt you in your retirement. The silicone-filled boobs will seem out of place, and that alluring trout pout on your lips is not going to make anyone want to actually kiss you.

You might even end up looking like this.

Yes, that’s a real photo. She took a ‘selfie’ and posted it online.
Because she thinks she looks great.

Happy Halloween, to all of you who celebrate it. 🙂
I say ‘BAH!’.
There are no sweets at my house, so don’t bother to come knocking!