Small Errors That Annoy Me

I should spend much less time on Twitter, as that is where I see most of these.

There instead of ‘They’re’.

Your instead of ‘You’re’.

Who’s instead of ‘Whose’,

Peak instead of ‘Peek’

Unncessary apostrophes, as in Video’s.

Skelington instead of ‘Skeleton’.

There were many more, but it was stressing me out to type them.

Social Media: Grammar and Spelling

I should have known better than to try to spend some time on Twitter earlier.

After seeing at least 200 glaring spelling and grammatical errors, I became so exhausted, I logged off.

How many times?

Please, please stop writing ‘YOUR’. STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!

I want to slap your stupid legs until they sting all night, then make you stand in the corner with no dinner, like the irritating fools you are.

I really have to stop looking at this rubbish, I really do.

Grammar: A few Blogging tips

Mainly aimed at younger and new bloggers, I thought it was time to suggest a few things regarding blog posts.

Don’t forget, you are writing. If that writing is in English, you have to obey the rules of grammar. After all, this is not texting or Facebook, and LOL is not a word, however much you might want it to be.

Here are some very basic rules. Rules that are constantly broken, or ignored.

YOU’RE means ‘You Are’
YOUR, means ‘belonging to. As in ‘That is YOUR hat’
IT’S means ‘It Is’
ITS means belong to, as in ‘I could tell that was its hat’.
THERE means a place, a destination, or a specific point. As in. ‘Put your hat on the hook, over there’.
THEY’RE means ‘They are’. As in, ‘They’re over there’.
Apostrophes denote many things, but mostly ‘belonging to’.
TRAPS, VIDEOS, TYRES, CARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, etc, do not need one. Raspberry’s is wrong, unless you mean ‘The Raspberry’s colour’. Video’s is always wrong, unless you mean ‘The Video’s content’. And so on…
THEIR means to belong to something, as in ‘Those men, and their hats’. It is never ‘They’re hats’, or ‘There, hats’ unless you mean ‘They are hats’ or ‘There are hats’. Are you with me, so far?

I know it’s annoying, and rather complicated. But it is English, and our language.
It needs to be treated with respect, or it will go under in a sea of mistakes, and become something else.

Something that is not correct. Please try harder. It is blogging, not texting. And it is not negotiable.

Am I being pedantic? Look it up.