Two days off

Regular readers of this blog will notice that I had two days off from posting this week. That’s unusual for me, I know, and I send my thanks to those who contacted me to make sure I was OK. (And not dead!)

I had the first day off by way of an experiment. For someone who posts every day, usually without fail, and often two to three times, it becomes a habit. Some followers are looking forward to those posts, at least I like to think so, whilst others must think it is too much, all the time. I admire the way that many bloggers post once a week, or even once a month. I had thought about that, but as blogging is my main hobby, it was always going to be more frequent.

I decided to see if any of my posts get read when I don’t post anything. Otherwise, I might never know. So I missed a day, and still got half as many views, and around one third of the visitors to my blog. That was encouraging, but it was also interesting to see lots of likes, and a few comments, from newcomers who had seemingly never visited my blog before.

Then yesterday, I woke up feeling a bit grumpy and fed up. Perhaps I was missing the blogging interaction, or it could have been personal stuff bringing me down. Either way, I didn’t post, and lacked the enthusiasm and inspiration to do so. That brought on a second day of missing my blogging hobby, cured by taking Ollie out for a three-hour walk from 1-4 pm. I only came home when the sun had almost set, and it was getting dark.

Just two days, and I am back, with a post about being away for two days. 🙂
It seems that blogging has become something I would find hard to stop, and would not want to live without.

I’m still not sure if that’s a bad thing, or a great thing.

But I enjoyed the three-hour walk.