The Next Fiction Serial: A Reader Poll

With the approaching conclusion of ‘Corky’s Last Case’, my next serial will probably not start until October. With that in mind, I thought I would break with tradition and offer readers a choice. Here are some opening lines for you to choose from. Please vote in the comments, and I will write the story that gets the most votes.

1) Olive was told by so many people that he was too good for her. He was out of her class, and she was fooling herself. But she married him anyway.

2) It took Ellie hours to clean up all the blood, much longer than she had expected. How did people have so much blood? She was exhausted by the time she was satisfied that the room was clean.

3) They always said never to pick up hitch-hikers. But the girl was so pretty, and she genuinely seemed to be distressed. Karl pulled over when it was safe, and watched her in the mirror as she came running up to the open window.

So, you choose. 1, 2, or 3?