Staying positive, with difficulty

I promised to stay positive in 2017.

Regular readers will note that it is already the 11th of January, and there hasn’t been a single post complaining about the weather. Despite losing my Aunt in December, and one of my best friends last Friday, I have tried to see the bright side of everything, even though I now have two funerals to attend before the end of this month alone.

And in March (all being well) I will reach the significant age of 65, not something I particularly relish. Still, it is Julie’s birthday on Saturday, and I have arranged for us to go somewhere nice for a meal, booked taxis for the journey, and got her a gift that she actually wants too.

See, I am staying positive.

If I was the old me, the 2016 me, I might have been complaining about walking with Ollie in thick mud. I may well have mentioned it being dark in the gloom by 3pm, and the heavy rain making it most unpleasant to walk around our normal routes. But I didn’t, because I am being positive. That old me would have been worrying about the snow and ice forecast for Thursday into Friday, and the accompanying traffic problems. I would no doubt have been concerned about the taxi being able to navigate the roads at the weekend, or the bad weather hanging on until the following week, when I have to drive a long way to that first funeral.

But no. I didn’t mention any of that. I am sure that everything will work out fine.

Isn’t it great, being positive?