Worn Out Doing Nothing

Yesterday, my step-daughter had a party to celebrate her engagement to her long-term boyfriend. A happy occasion planned for the daytime, outside in their garden.

We had good notice of it, and Julie made two large trifles to add to the food on offer, most of which was to be barbecue. The weather wasn’t celebrating though, and early rain where they live 28 miles south necessitated the erection of two large canvas pergola shelters, and the addition of some large garden umbrellas. The gathering was for family and friends, around twenty in total, and as it was outside we didn’t have to be too concerned with safety precautions for Covid-19.

I took Ollie out early. He couldn’t come to the party, as my step-daughter has an enormous dog that Ollie has never met. We didn’t want to take the chance of any doggy disputes spoiling the day for everyone. Then just after 12:30, we drove down to their house in torential rain. Julie was holding the two big glass bowls containing the trifles, which were resting on a large tray on her lap. I had to drive very carefully around roundabouts and sharp bends!

Fortunately, the rain stopped just as we arrived. I got two folding chairs from the back of the car, which we had brought to make sure we had somewhere to sit.

It was a lovely afternoon, with everyone in a great mood. The rain held off, the six small children played together with no dramas, and the Shetland Pony-sized dog (a Cane Corso) was friendly to everyone, even if he did have to be strictly watched around anything edible. We sat on our chairs, hardly moving except to go to and from the table to get things to eat.

By six in the evening, many of the party-goers had to leave, to get their children home to bed. We stayed until 6:30, before driving home. Ollie was very pleased to see us after being left for so long, and he was given an extra treat as a reward.

It wasn’t long after that, only nine at night in fact, before both of us were yawning as if we had been awake for three days. By eleven, I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and made an early start on a night’s sleep. This morning, both of us feel stiff and achey from sitting on the low collapsible chairs for so long yesterday.

Literally worn out from doing nothing.

Winston’s Birthday Party

Resplendent in his yellow bandana, local canine celebrity, Winston, arrives to celebrate his 15th birthday.

The dog-walking community of Beetley came together on a dull and foggy afternoon yesterday. We were all keen to attend the party organised by the lovely Michelle, to mark the great age of her popular dog, Winston. Despite being deaf, and having numerous health problems, old Winston had his usual bright eyes, cheerful expression, and lively demeanour. It wasn’t long before more guests began to arrive, including Ollie, who felt the need to leave his mark on the litter bin.

Michelle and her partner had made a huge effort for both dog and human guests, including party favours to take home for all attendees, and enough home-made dog biscuits to feed a pack. There were also two birthday cakes, one of them dog-suitable.

It wasn’t long before some of the party-goers were enjoying themselves in the river.

Rocky the Newfoundland doesn’t get around too well these days, so was happy to lie down on a groundsheet and enjoy his present, consumed in under a minute.

As Winston was helped by Michelle to ‘pant out’ his birthday cake candle, Buddy the French Bulldog was too excited to appreciate the moment, and rushed past to find someone to play with.

The table containing the dog treats was irresistible though, and Mabel the terrier was unable to stop herself jumping up to investigate.

A good time was had by all, and with almost every dog in Beetley attending, along with their owners, it was a great success. By the time I had to leave there were well over twenty canine guests in attendance, and there had been no fights, no bites, and no tantrums. The dogs were well-behaved too! Thanks are due to Michelle and her friends for their effort in organising a great local event. To Steve for sending me the photos taken on his phone, and to the following party guests for their participation.

Arlo and Buddy, the French Bulldogs. Remy the English Bull Terrier, two more Buddys, one a black terrier, the other a retriever. Toby the Jack Russell, Rocky the Newfoundland, Poppy the Lakeland terrier, Lola the Shih-Tzu, Paddy the Collie, Mabel the Terrier, all the Spaniels, including Ellie, who came out of her usual reserved shell for the party. Ollie of course, who dutifully sniffed everyone, and played well with Remy, and all the others I have missed out.

This was the kind of event that reinforces community, in a small village in the English countryside.

A Family Affair

There are certain times when whole families get together. They usually involve funerals, marriages, and christenings; occasionally at Christmas, or perhaps a memorable birthday, or wedding anniversary. These are the times when you realise how old you are getting, your age reflected in the development of others; children grown up, former teens now accompanied by their own children. Some don’t make it, perhaps because of illness, quarrels, or the sheer distance involved. Others are reliable, always there, whatever the occasion. Despite the sense that you are driven by obligation rather than by desire, when it all comes together, it can often be rewarding and enjoyable, to be a part of that gathering.

This last weekend, we went to a wedding. It was the wedding of a nephew, on Julie’s ‘side’ of our family. Strange how we always use that term, ‘side’, when we talk of occasions. The seating is on the side of the bride, or groom, and the tables allocated to one side, or the other. When you tell others that you are heading off to such a function, they will invariably ask ‘Is it on your side, or Julie’s?’ In an ideal world, the thought of sides would be irrelevant. Once you are married, you become a family, so ideally, all sides would be the same. But it doesn’t work that way. It is tradition, and we don’t mess with that.

Because we have chosen to live in Norfolk, travelling over one hundred miles to a wedding requires a lot of forward planning. Hotel room booked long in advance, for the night before, as well as the night of. We would not want to have to rush down the motorway, already dressed in our best outfits, to arrive stressed and crumpled, with moments to spare. Dog-sitter for Ollie, that is essential, as few weddings can possibly be dog-friendly, it just isn’t practical. Julie had to have a new outfit, and the decision went to the wire, as it only arrived a few hours before departure. I found a hole in my trouser leg, when pressing my suit the day before. I must have sat on something sharp, the last time it was worn. Luckily, I had another one to wear, so that saved an eleventh hour trip to a menswear shop. Friday afternoon travel on the M25 around London is never much fun, but we had a reasonable journey, our luck held.

The hotel was part of a large upmarket chain, nestled in acres of country park, close to the Berkshire borders. This meant that we at least knew what to expect, in the shape of a serviceable room, facilities like an indoor pool (which of course, we did not use), a health centre (gym), and lots of conference rooms, large bars and restaurants, as well as many places to sit and relax outside too. The downside to this type of hotel is the feeling that you could be almost anywhere in the UK, and the bar prices, which are higher than those inĀ  Central London. Luggage dumped, and room given a cursory inspection, we met some family in the bar, the groom’s parents, and their siblings. As the bride originally hails from Hungary, there was the unusual element of some Hungarian guests, who spoke little or no English. This did not prove to be a problem, as good times need no translation.

At breakfast the next morning, familiar faces begin to appear. Flowers are delivered, and function rooms busy with preparation. Being a large hotel, other meetings and regular events are taking place on the same day, but luckily, ‘ours’ is the only wedding. Once dressed for the occasion, we wander down to the meeting area. This is where we can marvel at how grown up those youngsters are, see babies for the first time, or remark on the development of toddlers. Older faces appear, still going strong, and very pleased to see us. The family factor kicks in, and it starts to feel normal again, and the feeling is a good one. News is caught up on, new partners are met and introduced, ailments and medications discussed at length. We ask about absences, but are reassured that they are coming later, ‘just for the evening’. We can easily pick out those on the other ‘side’, as we don’t recognise the faces. We ask who they are, and we are given mini-histories, of work colleagues, Hungarian attachments, and sisters of so-and-so.

The ambiance is good, and everyone has made the effort to dress up, and to look nice. the bridal party is colour-themed, and smart as whips in their morning dress suits. Children cavort excitedly in the grounds, or rush around the meeting room at high speed, only they knowing what they are up to, and where they are going. For children, there are no ‘sides’, it is enough to be of a similar age and size, for immediate acceptance into the group. After this short period of milling around, we are led off by a uniformed toastmaster, to the room where the actual ceremony is to take place. The change in the law that allowed same site marriage is much welcomed. No more double journies, from church or registry office, across to a hall, or other venue. It is all in one place, and just a short walk. The room is decorated in the spirit of such an occasion. Chairs draped in pink and white, delicate lighting, and just the right degree of solemnity.

The legal service goes smoothly. The bride appears, a picture of loveliness, accompanied by her bridesmaids, and some tiny flower girls, who of course, are impossibly cute and endearing. Words and rings are exchanged, some tears are shed, and the registrar announces that they are man and wife. Certificates are signed, and handed over for safe keeping to the bride’s father. We are all happy, and pleased to be part of the celebration, to see the couple looking so joyous. Our family has grown by a few more, and we embrace the new arrivals. The good weather continues, and despite a persistent breeze, photos are taken in the attractive grounds, all done again in the time-honoured fashion, with the different sides in separate shots. The photo session culminates in one huge group picture, the photographer having gained the high ground of an upstairs window, to fit us all in. Time for the meal and speeches.

Moving the large group into the function room, the toastmaster announces the arrival of the bride and groom, using their married name of course. We are sat with family, at allocated tables, name-cards and attractive favours marking our places. The meal is most welcome, and of a very high standard. The speeches follow, and they are unusually good, avoiding cliches and Internet suggestions, instead concentrating on love, friendship, and family. More tears are shed, and eyes are moistened all over. Everyone in the room is beginning to feel that connection, that involvement in the life and growth of this family. The rare opportunity to gather together has been well-rewarded, and is celebrated again later, in the party that follows. Evening arrivals are few, but welcomed into the fold, and they soon experience the good atmosphere that we have enjoyed all day. Some of the guests have to leave early. For various reasons, they will miss the livelier celebrations to come, and they are seen off, and waved goodbye.

The party was good of course. Some of us sat out the dancing, chatting, and continuing to catch up with others. Some danced all night, and others sought the cooler air outside on the terrace. At midnight, the last dance was enjoyed by all, and then the groom literally carried off his bride, to the delight of all the revellers. The rest broke up slowly, heading off to hotel rooms, waiting taxis, or their own transport in the car park. Those of us lucky enough to be in the same hotel had the chance to meet again at breakfast, and to have a longer farewell.

This is what families do, what they are about. The cares of the past year are put to one side. Old enmities are forgotten, and sides become meaningless. It is a wonderful thing to be a part of. We should cherish it more.

A Weekend Away

After overnight rain hung on until 11am, the sun is now out, and despite clouds, it feels good. We are having that rare thing (for Beetley life) this weekend, a trip away. Leaving soon, for two nights in a hotel in the Hertfordshire/Bucks borders. We are going to the wedding of Julie’s nephew, and are lucky enough to be booked in to the same place where the ceremony will be held. So, after today’s long drive, we can relax until Sunday morning.

With Julie having to work every other Saturday, and also trying to get someone to take Ollie, it is never easy to plan a trip away. Luckily, my good friend Lesley will take our dog, and as she owns one of his best friends, the Labrador, Oban, Ollie will have a great time. Once he settles in, they will be tugging toys, and circling the coffee table, until they collapse with exhaustion.

We have had the usual stresses; waiting for outfits to arrive in the post, cutting it fine, with a parcel delivery at 10.30 this morning. Will it fit OK? Will it look nice? Will it match the shoes and bag? Have we packed everything? Will we need this, or that? It all worked out fine in the end, as it usually does. We will also manage to see Julie’s son and his partner. As they cannot make the wedding, we will go out with them tonight. Julie’s daughter (one of them) is coming down with us, to visit her old friends, taking the chance of a rare lift. At the wedding tomorrow, Julie will be able to catch up with all her family, young and old, and she will undoubtedly enjoy the whole day.

So, I will also be having a holiday from the blog, at least until Sunday evening. I hope that you all have a great weekend, and look forward to reading all your stuff when I return.