What’s Worse?

Here I sit trying to decide which kind of weather to moan about, and having to choose between two options.

Last week we had exceptionally cold weather, and for some regions of the UK snow brought chaos to roads, railways, and electricity supply. Over in the East, in Beetley, we had sharp frosts, some lovely sunny blue skies, and very cold nights.

On Sunday morning, I was woken up when it was still dark by heavy rain hitting the windows. By the time I took Ollie out for his walk, it had slowed to just ‘rain’, and the raindrops were cold when they hit you. Later that afternoon, we had to drive to see our grandson for his birthday celebration, and that drive was in heavy rain that persisted throughout the night.

When I went to bed at 11pm, I could hear the rain hitting the windows, and when I woke up today, it was still raining. 31 hours of constant rain that has made it dark enough to need the house lights on constantly. But although it is still cold, currently 5C, there is no frost, no traffic disruption, and no ice.

On balance, I have to choose rain over snow and ice, as it is less dangerous.

And I own two umbrellas.