The First Sunday Musings For July

It has been something of a ‘Groundhog week’ for me in Beetley, more or less a repeat of the previous one. No complaints though, as I like to live my life undisturbed by unexpected events.


The weather cooled down as promised, and we even had some light rain on a couple of the days. Not enough for the gardeners and farmers though, as they never seem to get as much rain as they desire. Perhaps they should do more to save the rain we get for so many months during the rest of the year.


Ollie’s fur has started to fall out in circular patches again, his summer moult prompted by the recent heatwave. Even his curly tail has suffered, with a large bald spot appearing for the first time. But it has not affected the enjoyment of his walks in this cooler weather, and he is managing 90 minutes once again before his legs get too stiff.


I am wondering if July will speed past as quickly as June did. One of the things I most dislike about getting older is the accelerated passing of time. It makes me feel a little cheated out of my retirement years.


Whatever you are doing on this sunny Sunday, I hope it makes you happy.


The First Sunday Musings For June

The weather has dominated the week, and not in a good way. The eastern side of Britain was stuck under a cloudy low pressure system, with chilly winds coming from the north. As a result, we had overcast days that felt decidedly cold, with temperatures rarely getting above 10C even in the late afternoons. I managed to wear shorts all day, but had to add layers in the evenings. It felt more like early March than late May, and by Wednesday I seriously considered putting the heating on.
Fortunately, the cold spell broke yesterday, and we had a sunny day with a top temperature of 18C. That’s more like it!.


I spent some time clearing the patio of detritus and weeds during the week. I could only manage half of it, due to the necessary bending. I was helped by Ollie of course, who assisted by walking through the piles I had carefully swept up. One delight was the appearance of a Robin. He happily hopped around no more that a foot from me, feeding on the small insects disturbed by my endeavours.

Talking of Ollie, his waxy ears have still not cleared up. Twice this week I have had to squirt ear wash into his ears to stop him shaking his head uncontrollably. Then the sudden change to warm weather yesterday exhausted him on his walk, and he slept for hours after eating his dinner at 2:30pm.


The year seems to have passed by so quickly. June already, and it only seems like a few weeks ago that I was putting away the Christmas tree.


Whatever you are doing this Sunday, I hope it brings a smile to your face.



So far, 2019 has felt like a strange year to me. It is already May, and as I mentioned previously, it seems to be going by fast. Almost too fast for comfort.
We had summer weather at the wrong time, and now wintry weather when it should be improving.

I feel unsettled, restless, and in need of ‘something to happen’, though I have no idea what.

I have reached the age where big changes and upheavals in life are not usually welcomed. However, I am left thinking that some kind of revolutionary change in my life might yet be desirable. I must try to break out of my self-imposed routine, that of a life centred around Beetley, and my dog Ollie. Although I have almost lost all desire to travel far afield, I have a niggling wanderlust that snaps at my heels. Unfortunately, my financial situation does not allow me to currently indulge in such fancies.

Discombobulated is a good word. This is the dictionary definition.
Confused and disconcerted.
“he is looking a little pained and discombobulated”

That seems to sum up the unease pervading my thought process at the moment.

Although there is more of this year left than has already passed, it feels as if it is almost over, in the first week of May.

Anyone else experiencing this? It’s probably just me.

It usually is.