The End of a Dog’s Tale?

Because some of you really care about Ollie, and I know you do, because you comment, or e mail me about him, here is an update.

He went in for his ‘partial amputation’ this morning, at 8.30. He was excited to get into the car, no doubt expecting to be taken somewhere new and different. When he saw the Vet’s car park, his enthusiasm dampened, and once inside, he was visibly uncomfortable. There were lots of other dogs, and a cat, already there. The morning surgery list was long, and the staff were very busy. He was weighed (26 kilos) and then taken in for a health check, to ensure he was fit enough for surgery. He hadn’t had anything to eat after 8pm last night, so that wasn’t an issue. The nurse reappeared, to tell me that he was going to be operated on, and I had to sign the consent form. They told me to telephone after 2pm.

When you have had a dog around, the house feels strangely empty if they are not there. I arrived home, feeling a bit guilty, and more than a little worried. I had asked them not to cut too much off his tail, if it could be done like that, and I was assured that only the smallest amount would be removed. I had some breakfast, and occupied myself with some routine household chores, one eye on the clock. Just after 2pm, I rang as requested. I was told that the operation had gone well, but he was too drowsy from the anaesthetic, to be collected before 4pm. I washed a bag of his toys, so that they would be fresh for his return home, and carried on with jobs, until leaving to collect him.

He finally emerged around 5pm, looking very dopey. Julie had finished work, and had met me at the Vet. Before they went to get him, they presented the bill; not much change from £400, as expected. At least the Vet will be having a good night tonight. As they said, only a tiny part of the end of his tail had been removed, and the wound closed with a couple of tiny stitches. It was so small, it was hard to tell the difference, before and after. It wasn’t dressed, and there were no tablets of any kind to take home. We were told that he had to have lead-only walks for ten days, and bland food for a couple of days. He was still very groggy, and had trouble getting in and out of the car, having to be lifted out, when we got home. He slept most of the evening, but did wake up long enough to eat some chicken and rice. About 20 minutes ago (10.55pm), he took himself off to his bed, and will hopefully sleep it off.

He has to go back for a check-up on the 27th January. I am hoping that will be that last part of this tale of a tail. Thanks to everyone who expressed concern, and sent good wishes for him.

29 thoughts on “The End of a Dog’s Tale?

        1. Yoda was my nickname (one of the nicer ones) when I was in the LAS. I was seen as the wise old master. (Probably not, just that I had wrinkles, baggy eyes, wispy grey hair, and I was not very tall!)
          As ever, Pete. XX


    1. They glued it, but it wasn’t much use, as it still bled again later. I put a dressing on it, to save getting more blood on the carpet, but that fell off after three hours. It looks drier today, and has not bled since last night. Fingers crossed Jay! x


  1. What a relief! I’ve been following Ollie’s tail tale and am so relieved that the operation is done, and that hopefully, that will be the end of it.
    Pity you didn’t have insurance (or have you?), as it’s well worth it for piece of mind over bills.
    Give him gentle cuddles from me, and I dare you to give him a smooch as well 🙂


    1. Thanks Jaypot. We do have insurance, but because ot the breed, we have to pay the first £75, then 10% of the balance, so it does all still mount up. As I write, the wound is bleeding, and I have to take him back at 2pm! I might just as well live in the Vet’s car park, the way things are going.
      Regards as always, Pete.


      1. Oh dear, oh dear, that doesn’t sound too good! I wonder how the status is today, have you been to see the vet several times after the amputation?
        Big hug to both of you from the grey coast of North Norfolk,
        we sincerely hope the tail will heal very soon.
        Best wishes
        Klausbernd, Dina and sir & Selma


  2. Pete, I need to catch up on your blog (and continue with mine), but I took a moment to read this one because I, too, am interested in the tale of Ollie’s tail. Although the operation was not inexpensive, it does seem like this tale has a, shall we say, happy ending.


    1. Sorry about all those puns, but I couldn’t resist them, and neither can you!
      I have no doubt that you will be composing an appropriate doggy Limerick, when you have more time.
      Thanks David, and regards as always, Pete.


  3. Well I bet you are all relieved that is over – at least I hope it is. Better keep him away from nippy terriers in future Pete!

    My ex once owned a cat which had a leg amputated after a run-in with a car. Unfortunately the vet in that case didn’t take enough off leading to blood loss and he had to take it back for further surgery. Let’s hope Ollie’s tail heals well now.
    Jude xx


    1. I thought they might take a bit more Jude, so let us hope that the tiny section removed is adequate for healing. It is hard to keep him away from other dogs though, so I may have to consider alternative venues for walks. X


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