Film and Cinema

Do you like historical epics? Are you a film buff or film fan? If not, then read no further.
However, if I have got you even remotely interested, please click this link to read my latest article on

Seven Classic Historical Epics You Haven’t Seen

This is my fifteenth article on this excellent website, and if you have any comments, positive or negative, please feel free to add them under the original.

Thanks in anticipation, and Happy Easter to everyone. Pete.

4 thoughts on “Film and Cinema

  1. Great article Pete, there were some films I had seen like Goya’s Ghosts and always loved the Draughtsman’s Contract but there are some I haven’t seen that I will look out for! Very Best Wishes,
    Jane x


  2. Pete, that was a very well written series of film reviews. I failed to mention that not only have I seen “The Last Valley,” I have also read James Clavell’s book. After seeing “The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover” at the movie theatre, I lost interest in Peter Greenaway films. Perhaps I was hasty?


    1. Thanks David, and I have replied to your Curnblog comment.
      Greenaway’s films are all very different. I have some time for ‘The Cook’, mainly because of Helen Mirren at her ‘peak’. ‘Draughtsman’s Contract’ is a very different film, albeit still somewhat salacious. It is beautifully staged, and immaculately presented. But the thing with Greenaway seems to be that you either like his films, or hate them. It is hard to take the middle ground.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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