My face is red now

After a week of moaning about frustration with my new camera, and Fuji not supplying a lead to transfer the photos, I eventually ordered a card reader. In the meantime, I contacted Sandisk for advice about the memory card, and asked friends if they had any ideas. I wrote a blog post about the whole issue of not being able to see the photos, and generally felt pretty hard done by. This evening, I was prompted to look at the charger unit, the one used to connect the camera to a power source to charge the battery.

Guess what? The lead comes out of the unit, and connects the camera to the computer.

How stupid do I feel right now? Pretty stupid, I can tell you.

Look out for a photo post. Coming soon.

19 thoughts on “My face is red now

  1. Oh Peter! This did make me chuckle because it is the sort of thing I would do. So are we putting it down to age or just a typical bloke thing and not reading the instructions? šŸ˜‰


    1. It’s a combination Jimmy. Lack of technical know-how, not wanting to break anything, and not realising that the power lead was also the camera cable! I did read the instructions, but they stated a cable was not included. I checked the small print, and they meant an HD cable…Cheers mate.

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