Water, water, everywhere, Nor…

With apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Regular readers will be aware that it has been a long time since one of my weather ‘moans’.
Not only am I determined to stay ‘more positive, in 2017’ I must also confess that we have had a record lack of rainfall over the last couple of months. In fact, the local TV news reporters have been out and about featuring drought issues. They have told us that we have not had such a dry Spring since 1905. Farmers are worrying about crops, water companies are concerned over reservoir levels, and gardeners are concerned about planting. Before you know it, we will have a hosepipe ban!

Not long ago, I was happily cavorting in shorts and a shirt, enjoying unseasonal warmth, and worrying about being bitten by flying insects. I had put away my heavy boots, stored the bulky weatherproof clothing, and furled my umbrella. Walking with Ollie on dry ground was a joy, and flinging open windows to enjoy the fresh air and warmth made me feel like Summer was almost at our door. But Mother Nature was offended by my smugness, and lack of concern. So, she took her revenge.

In the space of twenty-four hours, the temperature fell from 20 C to 9 C. The sunny skies were replaced by threatening clouds, and we had to put the heating back on in the house. Soon after, we experienced frosts at night, followed by bitingly cold, if bright, days. We were heading back into Winter, and travelling quickly. The rain started a couple of days later. “Still not enough”, lamented the TV weatherman. His cry was heard. The rain got heavier, and more persistent. Farmers turned grateful eyes to the skies, and the water companies continued to report that they still didn’t have enough water, if a hot Summer follows.

Then we got light snow. Then hailstorms. Lots of them. I got the heavy boots out again, and shook out the waterproof coats. I even had to find my gloves, as daytime temperatures struggled to get above 6 C, in a cold northerly wind. By this afternoon, we had experienced almost eighteen hours of reasonably heavy rain, and I headed off for my walk with Ollie in a considerable downpour, clutching my resurrected trusty brolly. Nonetheless, both the weathermen and the water companies say it’s not enough.

I’m no expert of course, but it begs the question. After almost four years of constant rain before 2017, where has all water gone? What are reservoirs for? Or did they just not bother to save any? We definitely need someone better in that job. Someone who knows what they are doing.

Staying positive, in 2017. Despite the weather.

76 thoughts on “Water, water, everywhere, Nor…

  1. My husband wants to come back in his second life as a weatherman. It doesn’t matter what they forecast (which never seems right), so how can they ever loose their jobs? That’s a chuckle, of course! By the way, is a brolly an umbrella?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had to smile a little there through the rain Pete! It reminded me that it always rains in the north especially around Manchester – the home of the industrial revolution and the cotton industry. They chose this area for cotton because it’s so damp and I think they invented arthritis to describe the sheer mind numbing dreariness and pain of it all.

    Nobody in Manchester ever says “Oh look! It’s raining, fancy that!” And with the rain, the cold. I’ve lived here all my life and I still hate the cold and rain. We don’t even have weather forecasts anymore of sorts… The weather forecast goes something like “the rain will be heavy sweeping in from the west but for the most part it will be another dark, dank cloudy day” and yet they are still keen around here to instal water meters in every home – the irony is wasted on them.

    Thanks for the blog Pete – I’m in catch up mode so I’ll probably add some more considered words after erm? I’ve considered them.

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  3. I am glad it is raining, Pete, as droughts are awful. We had a really bad one last year and no water and water restrictions are not a joke. I do wonder, as you did, why this should be a problem in a country where it rains so much. Surely they should store water for the future. Maybe they think it isn’t necessary as droughts are so rare?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That could be one reason, Robbie, though localised droughts in some parts of England are not uncommon. I think we are using too many old water pipes that leak, and outdated reservoir systems that cannot cope with increases in populations in some regions.
      As for the rain, I have had enough to last a lifetime! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  4. If its any consultation then we are having a very similar time of it with rain and fluctuating temperatures. At least I have caught up on some inside work, even if the crops are still in packets waiting to be planted!

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    1. I think much of central Europe is experiencing the same sort of thing, Eddy. A mild start to Spring, and a return to Winter. Hope you all have a good weekend.
      Cheers, Pete.


  5. When you want rain from October 1st through the end of April, the Pacific Northwest will not disappoint–we have had over 4 feet of rain in that time. We are, more than willing to share. 🙂
    Warmest regards, Theo

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  6. Sorry to hear about the wet weather you are experiencing. I bet Ollie is not much concerned about it. It must be nice sometimes to experience the cold considering it is practically summer here all year long.

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  7. We left Barcelona for Madrid very early this morning and it was pouring down. On the way we saw snow on the fields. So.. yes, I think we’re going backwards towards winter…

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  8. Here in New England there is an unwritten rule that you turn off the heat from May 1 until October 1. But we are closing in on May and it is still chilly. The leaves are just considering opening.

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  9. You go ahead and rant all you like, Pete!! I can’t believe it’s been just about 6 months since I’ve complained, but get ready!! I was originally thrilled that we had a good Autumn – then that weather continued into a great Winter and eased ever so gently into a fantastic Spring – but this week we see a rise coming and the weatherman says it’ll only get hotter. So like I said dear friend – get ready – because I think my complaints are about to begin!!

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    1. I thought the Americans who moved to Florida did so for the ‘better weather’, GP. 🙂
      But too hot is still too hot, at least as far as I’m concerned. I will await your rants with keen anticipation.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  10. Cold as witches teats here in Luxembourg. 2 weeks ago we had temperatures in the twenties (Celsius, mins mind you) and now it seems like winter’s back….. but no rain! Really dry, and the cons spell has probably killed off all the cherry and apple blossoms.

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  11. Pete, it’s late April here in the States, how can it still be winter in England? And I agree with you on the water issue – if you’ve had plenty in the past, why isn’t more being done to save it for later…hope the weather turns soon for you!

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  12. I’ve heard talk of this phenomenon you call “rain” but will have to look it up to determine exactly what it is. It probably has manifested itself here in the Mojave Desert at one time or another. But, even though we love to gamble here in Las Vegas, I refuse to lay down bets on this. I hate to lose.

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  13. I am so very sympathetic to your plight and weather woes! You already know we have had the rainiest, wettest season in Seattle since 1895! So perhaps the rain that should have been falling on your side of the globe these past few months got misdirected and ended up here! And yet, I suspect later this summer we will also be hearing of local drought conditions. I never quite understand that either. standing in solidarity, Susanne

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  14. Here we have NO winter anymore….this year we had 2 days below 32 or 0C…..and the summers have gotten hotter sooner and dry very dry…..but do not worry according to some there is nothing to worry about…..to those I say Bite Me…..LOL chuq

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    1. Being selfish as I get older, chuq, I welcome the forecasts of weather like the southern Mediterranean becoming the norm here. I just doubt that it will come soon enough for my life-span.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. I saw a report that some water companies allow more water to waste from leaks than they actually collect. Eventually, the deficit will be impossible to balance.
      No doubt the water-meter rates will be increasing soon though, just to add insult to injury!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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