Word Challenge: S

Please play along, by adding your favourite words in this letter. Foreign language words are welcome, (with translation) and American spellings are allowed too.

This is a nice word in the mouth, and far better to use than ‘sleep-walker’.

I like this word because it sounds so much like someone who suffers with the condition is trying to say it.

Despite the sexual reference, I think this is a lovely word to pronounce. Much nicer to use than the ubiquitous and incorrect ‘Dirty’ too.

69 thoughts on “Word Challenge: S

  1. Great words by everyone on this thread!

    Here are mine:

    Sanctimonious – acting superior to other people – what I hate most in others – and try to avoid doing myself

    Simpering – “smile or gesture in an affectedly coquettish, coy, or ingratiating manner” – as annoying as the word above

    Simplistic – unfortunately how too many of our biggest issues are looked at

    OK, time for ME to get more positive, Pete! “Sunshine!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning Pete:
    SUPPLY-SIDE-POLICIES are non-sexually salacious. They involve trickle-down thinking (if that is nonsexual?). When economists talk about a SAFE HARBOR for placing money (investing) they often stutter. Why stutter, because, a safe harbor simply is an illusion. It doesn’t take reading Adam Smith to turn one into a somnambulist. Reading any economist will (including me when I write about economics).
    Warmest regards, Theo

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  3. Sandwich – the Earl of made a really tasty invention. My favorites are the one Italian styl, the Tramezzini. 😉
    Santana, Carlos – I’m a fan of him since nearly fifty years now.
    Sundowner – Aperol Sprizz, Gin Tonic or Wodka Lemon on my little balcony, when the sun slowly moves behind the trees nearby… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have to honestly admit I cheated here. I learned the words a while back from Reader’s Digest ‘Word Power’.
    Spoony – lovely-dovey
    Sassigassity – cheeky attitude
    Slangular – using street talk
    The Spoony couple ignored the gang standing on the corner with a Sassigassity style and spouting their Slagular remarks.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. RD served you well, GP. It also brought back memories of that magazine in my youth. You combined them very well, though I had never heard of Sassigassity before. I looked it up, and it was apparently used by Dickens, in a novel which was never published. I’m impressed!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You work us hard giving two letters a day! Will you accept Sarah?! Savoyard is the first word I thought of for all its connotations including the Savoy Theatre – it has always sounded elegant and protective; Squishy which I find very onomatopoeic; Sarah Sashayed into the Salon in a Sassy Style!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can see you sashaying into many a salon, Sarah. I will happily accept all your suggestions, especially squishy. Along with squidgy, that is one of my most-used words!
      Best wishes, Pete. x
      (I am trying to get this challenge finished, as I will be away from a computer after Sunday. Hence the double-dose.)

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  6. Susurration: a word I picked up from a fellow blogger recently and is rather lovely meaning whispering or rustling like the sea or a river
    Sea-wrack: seaweed
    Serpentine: lovely word that slides off the tongue like the snake-like twisting movement it comes from

    So many S words!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Somnambulist is such a handsome word, it makes sleep-walking seem like a skill or art.
    Well Pete, I know you’re very fond of Americanisms, this one is derived from the Native American “sohquttahhash” (a pity we stopped spelling it that way!)
    “Sufferin’ Succotash”. The mildest of minced oaths and fun to say.
    I am delighted to learn “schlingel,” and it reminded me to list “SCHLEP” which can be used as a verb = to drag along. Or a noun (you could use schlepper), meaning a tiring/long/boring task or journey, or the person who gets stuck doing the tiresome chore.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I remember Sylvester and Tweety Pie. Sylvester always exclaimed ‘Suffering Succotash’, and I had to look it up, to see what Succotash was! The word ‘Schlep’ has migrated into London usage via the Jewish community. Usually referring to a long journey, or being stuck in traffic. “That was a schlep”.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

          1. We have a lot of great food over here, but lima beans and succotash (and tobacco, but that’s not a food) were the Native Americans’ revenge on the European invaders. A lot of the Pilgrims shipped right back to England after being fed succotash.

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  8. Excellent words, Pete. Supercalifradulisticexpialidocius (I know, it’s a pretend word, but a really good one), Steely (I love the strength of this word), Surreal (who doesn’t like intrigue).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great choices,Jennie. Though the memory of that Mary Poppins song left me cringing. Dick van Dyke’s accent in that film is like nails on a blackboard for me! 🙂
      Surreal is a lovely word, and almost made my own list.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Dear Pete
    A nice, maybe little bit old fashion, German word is SCHLINGEL. I like it because of its sound and its ambivalence. It’s rascal or rogue, it’s meant in a loving and at the same time grumbling way.
    SKANDALNUDEL – that’s a person who likes being part of a scandal. Interesting here is the combination of the incompatible like Skandal > scandal and Nudel > noodle.
    SAUERTÖPFISCH – an old fashioned word for crabby or grumpy. If you would translate it literally it would mean ‘a sour pan/pot’.
    Now the Sauwetter has gone and the sun is shining again.
    Lots of love
    Klausbernd 🙂
    What a pitty that I couldn’t think of a salacious word except SAUEREI. Most of the salacious German words are connected with Sau > pig. One explanation is that during matriarchal/matrilinear times the pig was seen as a holy animal. Therefore at their sexual rites (we call them ‘orgie’ nowadays) pork was eaten.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Loads of S words in Geordieland!

    Sex- Storage bags in which you might store potatoes or curl or Christmas presents if you live in the Ashington area of Northumberland.
    Skemmy – a poor quality homing pigeon
    Spuggy – a sparrow

    and a nice phrase to finish with
    Sartin summick aboot the sooth – There’s a certain something about the South. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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