Netflix: A request

For many years now, I have read countless reviews of films and series available on Netflix. I have heard how much you like them, and often been envious that I did not have this very popular platform. I know it is not that expensive, but us pensioners have to be careful not too spend too much! However, as of today, I now have access to this much-admired streaming service.

So, Netflix lovers, I am asking you for suggestions. Films that can only be seen on Netflix, TV series (not comedy) that are only available there, and any other recommendations that you can think of, based on knowing the sort of things that I enjoy watching.

Thanks in anticipation, and best wishes to all. Pete.

61 thoughts on “Netflix: A request

  1. There a couple of good photography documentaries on Netflix (you have to search a bit) look for one called “Side B” – about Ella Dorfman. And A one about Harry Brasson called “Shoot First” and of you like wild stories “Shot” about rock photographer Mick Rock (yes that is his name)!

    Otherwise do the Netflix 20 mins test…watch it that long…then if it doesn’t grab you move on.
    But a lot of the recommendations above are excellent. I endorse Narcos, You, Safe, Mindhunters, Ozark.
    A good proper film is Kodachrome

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some great recommendations here, I will be following many myself.
    Mind you I read the other day (APnews) that the success of Netflix could be its downfall, as rivals start up to cash in on the streaming craze, their pool of programs may turn into a puddle. They suggested that in a few years time you could expect to be paying $100 a month to keep up with them all.
    I have to say though that there own programming is far better quality than Amazon, from what I have seen of the rivals so far.

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      1. Oddly enough I started watching last week, two episodes in and I wasn’t overly impressed., the idea is good but I feel it was let down by production which led to a lack of authenticity. I decided to try ‘Outlander’ instead (not sure who makes it), which has done a better job of capturing my attention whilst looking after a sick child in the early hours of the morning 🙂

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      2. I’ve signed up to Prime mainly for the free delivery, but I watch very few of the TV programmes. Of the ones I have watched and enjoyed;

        Man In The High Castle
        The Marvellous Mrs Maisel
        Sneaky Pete

        It’s always possible to sign up and then cancel when you’ve seen all want.

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      1. Safe and The Five are both done by bestselling author Harlan Coben, and I just finished binging on the three seasons of The Travelers and am now desperately hoping there’ll be a fourth. I know you’re not usually into kid-themed series, but I have to add my recommendation to the many others you’ve gotten for Stranger Things and Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events. I think they’ll appeal to the quirky side of your personality.😁

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  3. Personally, I have mixed feelings about Netflix streaming. Now, for years I’ve been signed up for their DVD mail service. I select what DVD movies I want and they are held in a queue. Recently a buddy of mine shared with me his passwords for the streaming service so now I can get into the streaming end of this (Netflix is aware of this “abuse” and will likely put a stop to it in the near future). Now, quite honestly, when I hear of these various services with their thousands of movies I am fully expecting to go to their site.. do a search on any damn movie I can think of.. then watch it. Maybe I am not correctly using Netflix… but I don’t see that kind of feature anywhere. What I see is a number of films/TV shows that THEY select… with titles that linger about for weeks.. it’s all just some sliding menu selection of the same stuff each day.
    Am I not accessing something correctly? I dunno.. you’d think their site would be user friendly enough to select the way you want.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Welcome aboard!

    Ozark – about a money launderer for a Mexican drug cartel. Every episode is great – and there’s a fair bit of violence.
    Rita – a Danish comedy about a school teacher with “unusual” ideas.
    Bojack Horseman – a cartoon comedy about a washed up TV star in the form of a horse. It works, strangely. It’s a bit like Curb Your Enthusiasm.
    House of Cards – Seems to be the sort of White House administration Trump is based on. In fact, I think House of Cards is real, and the Trump administration is the fictional one.
    Manhunt: Unabomber – a fictionalised story of the hunt for the Unabomber, mixed in with real footage.
    Glow – Set in the 80’s, supposedly based on a real story of a troupe of women wrestlers. Better than I’ve made it sound, much better.
    Breaking Bad – A chemistry teacher teaches a drug dealer better ways to make crystal meth
    Better Call Saul – A spin off from Breaking Bad about a barely legal lawyer.
    Norsemen – Like Vikings, but funny.
    Making A Murderer – Doc about the “false” imprisonment of a guy accused of murder.
    In A Valley Of Violence – An excellent western (film)
    Bates Motel – A brilliant prequel to Psycho
    The Ballad of Buster Scruggs – A rather excellent Coen brothers film
    The Vietnam War – A doc about… It was on BBC4 a while back, so you might already have seen it.
    Maniac – Set in a dystopia – two people sign up for a drugs trial, and have to question what is real.

    That should see you through till Christmas!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cheers for all those, Ian. I have seen The Vietnam War, and hear a lot about the US remake of House of Cards, with Kevin Spacey. I will be compiling a list, and will be sure to add your recommendations. (Maybe not sure about wrestling (though that’s the second recommendation) and ‘funny’ Vikings though. 🙂 )
      Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. Glow isn’t so much about wrestling, it’s more about feminism, stereotyping, and how fictional characters affect the actors playing them (or in this case, wrestlers).

        A bit like Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, I suppose. It seems that he had his character’s personality projected onto himself, and maybe believed it a bit.

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  5. I go more for some of their documentaries and series that make me laugh or feel good. I love Grace and Frankie, and Queer Eye when I want light hearted entertainment. Chef’s Table, The Final Table (competition based but fairly well done) and Cooked (my favorite documentary about food with Michael Pollan).

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  6. “Black Mirror” for sure, as well as the first two seasons of “Stranger Things”…you know about “Bird Box”, and also watch the reconstructed Orson Wells film “The Other Side Of The Wind.” You might enjoy “The Haunting Of Hill House”, and not sure if you had access to “Orange Is The New Black” at all, but you might want to give that a try. Not sure you’d enjoy “GLOW”, but check out “Glow: The Story Of The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling” – a documentary about the women who took part in this late 80’s/early 90’s camp sport in the US. Finally, “Ozark” with Jason Bateman and Laura Linney is worth a look as well….have fun!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Punisher
    Lost in Space
    Nailed It
    The IT Crowd
    Arrested Development

    Netflix has a category called binge-worthy … And the above series would be included if I were the algorithm in charge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, SS. I have seen all the series of Peaky Blinders on the BBC, but I will certainly catch up with Black Mirror, as that was taken off mainstream TV some time ago.
      I appreciate your suggestions.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  8. Oooh I’d love to have Netflix. I’m afraid that because I don’t, I can’t recommend anything at all which is a bit hopeless, however …. may I wish you hours of entertainment enjoying a mass of films and series!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No to worry. I didn’t have it until last night. I hardly have time to watch everything recorded on the PVR, or the films I buy on DVD. That’s the reason why I am asking for recommendations, so I can select the best. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

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