The Beetley Ferret

An early encounter with the different ways of country living, from 2012.



This morning, Julie and I were sleeping in, after a late night . At 8.45am, We were awakened by the sound of the doorbell. This may not sound like a big deal, but this is Beetley. There are no Jehovah Witnesses visiting on a regular basis, and we were not expecting a parcel, so the doorbell is always a surprise. I donned my dressing gown, and went to the front door.

There was a neighbour, from the ‘back’ (Spinney Close), accompanied by his grand daughter. I recognised him from a brief meeting, whilst walking Ollie in the nearby meadows. His opening line was, “Have you lost a ferret?”. Now in my former flat in London, this would have been answered with a guffaw, so I had to remember that I was now in Norfolk. ” We have just seen a ferret in our garden, heading your way. It was…

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10 thoughts on “The Beetley Ferret

    1. I doubt they would attack a dog unless it chased them. But they are quite ferocious when cornered, apparently.
      It was good of the neighbours to warn us though, as Ollie was quite small at the time.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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