Postcards From Blogging Friends: Part Ten

This will probably be the last in this series for 2019.

I would like to once again thank everyone who took the time and trouble to post the cards to me, and to let you know that this series was incredibly popular. The posts have been some of the most-read during that past year.

Scottish writer and blogger Mary was kind enough to send me two views of her holiday destination, Gomera.
(She has a new book out, here’s a link)

MarySmith’sPlace – #NewBook

Eddy Winko (made up name) is British blogger who lives in Poland.
He included a postcard in a box of soaps I ordered from his wife.
(Gosia makes wonderful soaps! Here’s a link to those)

Looking forward to lots more cards in 2020!

52 thoughts on “Postcards From Blogging Friends: Part Ten

    1. My nearest Post Office is over three miles away, and I have to drive there if the weather is bad. It’s a pain. Don’t worry too much about sending a card, dear Suzan. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  1. I love the picture postcards so much 🙂 In fact, scenery of them is beautiful as well 🙂 P.S. I have now watched The Irishman 3 times and still love it 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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