Summer is here!

Today marks the first day of official British Summer Time. (BST) The clocks have gone forward one hour, so I woke up thinking it was an hour earlier than it actually was.

This welcome event was accompanied by northerly winds of high strength, and a hailstorm that lasted from 1 am, until a few moments ago. The temperature dropped almost 10 C on what we had two days ago, and the gloomy skies appear to be heralding a return to Winter, rather than the coming Summer.

An old saying here is that “March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb”.

Seems like March has had enough of that reputation, and is changing its mind.

71 thoughts on “Summer is here!

  1. I HATE daylight savings time because it messes with little humans’ sleeping patterns in the worst possible way! It’s mostly been quite warm here over the past few days. I have even been running without a base layer!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is cold in the wind when walking Ollie, but not once out of it. But you should be nice and warm when out running. Ollie adjusted well to the lost hour, and still appears for a treat or walk at exactly the right time. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. The hope is the heat will kill it off for now in time to find a vaccine, before it comes back in the late autumn. Fingers crossed though, as it is still infecting people in very hot countries.
      Best wishe, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Daylight Savings Time happened here…some Sunday’s ago – alas, I woke up when it was dark, wanted to stay up after it was dark – alas, guess ‘spring fever’ has hit me to gear me up for the long days of summer – good thing I had the freedom to ‘hibernate (via long sleep nights) this winter – feel better prepared for the long days that are on their way – :). I hit fall, turning back the clocks time, with a ‘Thank Goodness! Didn’t know how much more sleep deprivation’ I could take! ” LOL. I, too, have my ‘cycles’ – :). Next life, I hope I get to be a black bear…. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We appreciate the rain in California, especially considering the droughts and associated wildfires that we’ve had three of the last four years. Too bad you can’t ship some of it over to the states when you’re getting deluged. Happy summer, Pete!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. the weather is so fickle here Pete. we had clouds and drizzles early this morning. now the sky is clear and the sun is starting the peek through. still nippy though. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Not really complaining, Maggie. We are used to such things in England. 🙂
      Like having to drive in sunglasses while using the full-speed wipers to clear rain from the screen. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. “northerly winds of high strength, and a hailstorm that lasted from 1 am, until a few moments ago. The temperature dropped almost 10 C on what we had two days ago”

    That’s what continental people always believed a British summer was like! 😀
    Take care, my friend, and stay healthy,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Our summer also really starts in June, but we have ‘British Summer Time’ from today. 🙂
      90 degrees might well be too much for me at the moment, but even 70 F would be welcome.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Pete. We are facing untimely rains as well. Not everyday, but every third day, as soon as we decide to put away the blankets or hang the laundry on my roof to dry. It makes sure i hang out every last article , then go downstairs, only to run back up 2 floors after 15 minutes to pull everything down and then put it out again multiple times everyday. Clear skies and rains are playing hide and seek.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Weird how the entire world’s weather is behaving. It has been raining every three days in the past 10 months. It is getting scary since hot and humid weather increases infections and COVID 19 is so common now.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Some years we see a slow transition into Summer. Other years it can go from Winter saying goodbye with 40F, and two days later it’s 89F This has been one of those years. Yesterday we were topping out at 89F. More of the same today and onward.

    Liked by 3 people

        1. That’s a great temp!
          Great for sports out doors and even swimming or walking.

          Maybe that’s why indoors is usually at that temperature, at least for where I live 🤔

          Liked by 1 person

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