A Relaxed Rules Saturday In Beetley

Here is another pandemic lockdown report from Beetley. This time, under the newly relaxed rules.

Things haven’t changed that much, though the hot weather brought out families with small children sunbathing around the river bend at The Meadows. Traffic was noticeable on the Holt Road leading north to the coast, despite most facilities there still being closed. I dread to think about all those people going to the toilet in the countryside and on beaches, and the disposable nappies being dumped carelessly.

But they don’t live there, so what do they care?

Locally, there has been an increase in walkers and bird watchers on Hoe Rough, with the small car park busy at all times. People are still carrying on with social distancing, I am happy to see, and nobody stands close, or walks by on a narrow path. It has the feeling of something that may well become the ‘new behaviour’.

Ollie had a much-needed bath this week, as the groomer had reopened. The closest I got to her was a long stretch to pass Ollie’s lead, and handing over the money into her gloved hand when I collected him. His fur feels much better, but the hot weather didn’t improve his ‘hot-dog’ smell, that’s for sure.

And it has been hot. 27C is very unusual for May, and it didn’t drop much below 25 C until yesterday. That means fans in the evening, watching TV, and fans in the bedroom to get a decent sleep. It also means mosquitoes, and I have three bites on my left arm, and two on my left leg. I should have guessed, and taken precautions. I will be from now on.

Strange gusty winds have appeared. They don’t cool things down that much, but give the sense of standing on the deck of a small boat, being buffeted.

They are quite nice, I have concluded.

74 thoughts on “A Relaxed Rules Saturday In Beetley

    1. We have reception class ( 5 years old) returning to school next week, but some parents are rebelling. My stepdaughter is refusing to send her son back to school from Monday while people are still dying in high numbers every day.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Things have not opened up here in Yakima yet, and no telling when they will due to our high case count in this county. People around here did not lock down as much as they should have, I think. It has been windy here, too, lately. Not hot yet, but it’s coming…and the mosquitoes, too.

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  2. Sounds like quite an exciting day, what with falling trees and the like.
    What you should worry about is that Britain’s finest will be stuck in blighty this year, deprived of the beaches of Benidorm using Tesco bags for toilets, wandering the golden sands of the Norfolk coast 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I got together with some buddies at the park for the first time since the virus began. We all wore face masks and remained several feet apart the whole time. There are small signs that we are getting back to some signs of normalcy if we can just limit the goofballs who have no fear or respect for others’ health.

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    1. 350+ people died of Covid-19 here on Friday. I doubt they would have supported any relaxation in the rules. It is just a way to make people go back to work, and try to ‘restart’ the economy. I think Boris has been talking to The Grand Poobah in Washingtion D.C.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  4. The lack of loos is keeping me close to home, I don’t fancy getting caught short. And I do wonder how people can spend an entire day ‘away from home’ without needing to spend a penny. As you say, they don’t have to live there.

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    1. A posh elderly lady told me that she found a ‘seaside sandcastle bucket full of human poo’ on the grass verge outside her house nearby. She believes it was dropped/dumped from a car on its way back from the north coast, or that the car stopped for someone to ‘use the bucket’. She said “You could tell it was human by the size of it, and the fact that there were tissues inside it that had been used for wiping”. She used rubber gloves to pick it up by the handle, and put it in two bin liners.
      The look on her face was priceless. It is disgusting, but the scene was like something from ‘Mrs Bucket’ TV show, and I had to fight hard not to laugh.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. If only that were true. Sadly, I think people are going to rush back to their old ways in many cases, with the summer coming and beaches beckoning.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Great to hear that things are inching towards a “new normal” – I hate that phrase but it is sadly accurate…things will be different…and here in the US sadly, people continue to protest against those who are trying to keep us safe…did Ollie enjoy the grooming?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ollie ‘tolerates’ his bath and pedicure, John. The groomer tells me that he behaves impeccably, even though he might resent the indignity of being bathed in a metal trough. At least his fur feels nice to stroke again now. 🙂
      The rules might have been relaxed a little, but most people around here are still wary, and nervous around strangers. That’s a good thing though.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Just watched a huge oak tree get blown down when I was walking with Ollie. It has blocked the main road to Fakenham. Beetley drama! It made an amaziing sound, like cloth ripping! 🙂
          Best ishes, Pete.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s been significantly cooler here, the last couple of days, with the strong winds [I don’t think it reached the lofty heights of 28° here: 18° was the best in my house], and we have even had a short shower this morning. On a local Facebook group, a few people have been huffing & puffing about a bucket of human excrement being found somewhere in town, but if people in general are being encouraged [or, at least, given dispensation] to travel with no prospect of finding an open public lavatory, even in most supermarkets, what else can be expected? Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We’ve almost another week of lockdown to go and are watching with interest to see how things are working out south of the border. We still have our ‘Dumfries & Galloway is closed to visitors’ signs up. They don’t stop all visitors unfortunately. Maybe the howling gales we’re having will make them think twice about coming this weekend 🙂

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    1. Some areas here have gone rather ‘crazy’, with crowded beaches on the south coast, and many people seeming not to be bothered about distancing. But they are few and far between, and noteworthy enough to be featured on the news.
      As for Beetley, it is ‘situation normal’, with no real change since the relaxed rules.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. The skeeters like you left side…..I just took MoMo for her walk and it is 80 at 0500….a bit warm….as much as I dislike our governor I do believe he is doing an excellent job managing this pandemic…..but the people are idiots….in the store yesterday at least 50% had no protection…I even told a women who came up next to me to “back the F*ck up”…..I have no time for fools. be well chuq

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Still warm winds here, Sue. Very powerful though. I just saw an oak tree blown down as I was walking with Ollie. It has completely blocked the main road to Fakenham!
          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 1 person

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