The Blues: Some Songs For Brian

Continuing to celebrate the life of my dear departed friend, I am presenting some of the original versions of songs he loved to listen to and sing.

Smokestack Lightnin’. Howlin’ Wolf.

Still Got The Blues. Gary Moore.

She’s 19 Years Old. Muddy Waters.

Bring It on Home. Sonny Boy Williamson.

Boom Boom. John Lee Hooker.

I am not a religious man. But if there is a Heaven, I like to think that Brian is there now, enjoying a raucous jam session with Howlin’, Gary, Muddy, Sonny Boy, and John Lee.

39 thoughts on “The Blues: Some Songs For Brian

    1. Thanks for your suggestions. I could have filled up ten posts or more with the music Brian loved to listen to and sing, but had to cut it down to some of ‘the greats’. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A fine musical tribute Pete, you could appropriately add BB King’s Stormy Monday and Elmore James’s Dust My Broom . . sing in peace Brian

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