Blogger’s Books: Marjorie Mallon

I am very happy to feature the latest book from Marjorie Mallon. Originally from Singapore, Marjorie is now based in the lovely city of Cambridge, England. She is a blogger and published author who does a lot to help promote other writers. Please give her the support of this great community.

Marjorie has sent me a bio, and a complete synopsis of her new book ‘This Is Lockdown’.
I will let her tell you the rest.

Author Bio

I was born on the 17th of November in Lion City: Singapore, (a passionate Scorpio, with the Chinese Zodiac sign a lucky rabbit,) second child and only daughter to my parents Paula and Ronald, only sister to my elder brother Donald. I spent my early childhood in a mountainous court dwelling in the Peak District in Hong Kong.

It’s rumoured that I now live in the Venice of Cambridge, with my six-foot hunk of a Rock God husband. My two enchanted daughters often return with a cheery smile.
Sometimes when the mood takes me, I adopt an alter ego, M J – Mary Jane from Spiderman. I love superheroes!

When I’m not writing, I eat exotic delicacies while belly dancing, or surf to the far reaches of the moon. To chill out, I practice Tai Chi and Yoga. If the mood takes me, I snorkel with mermaids, or sign up for idyllic holidays with the Chinese Unicorn, whose magnificent voice sings like a thousand wind chimes.

My favourite genres to write are: YA fantasy, magical realism, and various forms of poetry. I blog about books, writing, photography and inspiration at:
I enjoy writing articles celebrating the spiritual realm, my love of nature and all things magical, mystical, and mysterious. One of my greatest pleasures is reading. I’ve written over 150 reviews at my lovely blog home:

I’m a member of a professional writing body. SCBWI, the Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators.

Authors Website:
Authors Amazon Page:
Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time
#ABRSC: Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook
Goodreads: BookBub:
Collaborative Group:

This Is Lockdown is a compilation/anthology of twenty-nine authors, bloggers and creatives from the UK, Ireland, US, Australia, Zimbabwe and Italy.

How did it come about?

I’d started writing my COVID diaries and asked fellow authors to answer this question: How do writers, creatives, artists and bookish souls cope with isolation? Is their capacity to cope different from the rest of the population? It’s an interesting question and one that fascinates me.

I featured many authors on my blog, and these ‘isolation writers,’ contributed their pieces to the anthology.

So, encouraged by this, I kept on writing short stories, flash fiction and poetry. I compiled these pieces of writing and photographs from my walks in This Is Lockdown and included the ‘isolation writers’ and several other pieces and poetry from authors and bloggers.

The fabulous authors, bloggers and creatives who’ve contributed their isolation pieces, poetry and writings to This Is Lockdown – I’d like to give a shout out to them all.

Richard Dee, (Sci Fi , Steampunk, Amateur Detective author,) Catherine Fearns, (Amazon Bestselling Author of Police Procedural/Mysteries and Music Journalist,) Lynn Fraser, (Author,) Jackie Carreira, (Writer, musician, designer and aspiring philosopher,) Willow Willers, (Poet and writer,) Sharon Marchisello, (Murder Mystery, Financial non-fiction,) Fi Phillips , (Author, Copy Writer) Jeannie Wycherley, (dark stories, suspense, horror,) Chantelle Atkins, (urban fiction, teen/YA,) Tracie Barton-Barrett, (Speaker/author,) Peter Taylor- Gooby, (Crime, Love Stories, Political Fiction,) Ritu Bhathal, (Chick Lit romance, poet,) Alice May , (Author, Artist and Speaker,) Miriam Owen, (Blogger and Doctoral Researcher,) Drew Neary and Ceri Williams (Ghost Horror, Supernatural,) Katherine Mezzacappa, (Author name: Katie Hutton,) (Historical Fiction/Romance,) Sally Cronin, (huge supporter of indie community/blogger/author) Debby Gies (D G Kaye), (Memoirist/NonFiction,) Adele Marie Park, (Fantasy, horror, urban fantasy,) Marian Wood, (blogger, poet and writer.) Samantha Murdoch, (Writer, Blogger,) Beaton Mabaso (Blogger, African Storyteller,) Frank Prem (Poet, Author,) Anne Goodwin (Author, Book Blogger) Sherri Matthews (Writer, Photographer, Blogger,) and Jane Horwood and Melissa Santiago-Val – Community Masks 4 NHS.

This Is Lockdown is an anthology and compilation of diaries, short stories, flash fiction, contributions from the ‘isolation writers,’ plus poetry written during the time of lockdown in the UK. This Is Lockdown is written from a writer’s perspective highlighting the simple pleasures of day-to-day life during such an uncertain and frightening time. It also gives a glimpse of the blogging, writing world. The book showcases several authors and their thoughts on what it is like to experience ‘isolation’ as a writer. I also discuss the handling of the pandemic and my thoughts on what might happen next. In the final part of the book I include my latest short story idea: a YA romance and various short pieces of poetry, and flash fiction inspired by the pandemic.
This Is Lockdown buying Link:
Universal link:
Amazon UK link:
Amazon US link:

51 thoughts on “Blogger’s Books: Marjorie Mallon

  1. It’s a great book full of interesting views of life during the Covid19 of 2020. A real snapshot of life as we are living now and a true piece of living history. I am also proud to be a small part of it ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

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