Blogger’s Books: Darlene Foster

It is my pleasure to feature a book from Canadian writer and blogger, Darlene.

This is the latest in her very popular ‘Amanda’ series. This time, our heroine is in Holland.

Here is Darlene’s bio.

Darlene Foster is a Canadian author who has written the popular Amanda Travels series, featuring a spunky twelve-year-old who loves to travel to unique places where she encounters mystery and adventure while learning about another culture. Readers of all ages enjoy travelling with Amanda as she unravels one mystery after another in various countries. Darlene has won prizes for her short stories and a number of them have been published in anthologies. She has also written a bi-lingual book for English/Spanish readers.

Darlene grew up on a ranch near Medicine Hat, Alberta, where her love of reading inspired her to travel the world and write stories. Over the years she held wonderful jobs such as an employment counsellor, ESL teacher, recruiter, and retail manager, and wrote whenever she had a few spare minutes. She is now retired and has a home in Spain where she writes full time. When not travelling, meeting interesting people, and collecting ideas for her books, she likes to spend time with her husband and entertaining dog, Dot.

Her books include: Amanda in Arabia: The Perfume Flask, Amanda in Spain: The Girl in The Painting, Amanda in England: The Missing Novel, Amanda in Alberta: The Writing on the Stone, Amanda on The Danube: The Sounds of Music, Amanda in New Mexico: Ghosts in the Wind, and Amanda in Holland: Missing in Action. Amanda in Malta: The Sleeping Lady will be released in the spring of 2021.

And the book’s synopsis.

Amanda in Holland: Missing in Action (Amanda Travels #7)
by Darlene Foster

Alongside her best friend Leah, Amanda is in Holland to see all the sights: tulips, canals, Anne Frank House, windmills, and even a wooden shoe factory. She is also keen to find out what happened to her great uncle, who never returned from World War II. What she doesn’t expect is to find and fall in love with an abandoned puppy named Joey. While trying to find a home for him, she meets Jan, a Dutch boy who offers to help, a suspicious gardener, a strange woman on a bicycle, and an overprotective goose named Gerald. Follow intrepid traveler Amanda around Holland as she encounters danger and intrigue while trying to solve another mystery in a foreign country.

If you would like to find out more about Darlene’s books, and buy some, please use one of the links that follow.

Amazon Canada
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Barnes and Noble

45 thoughts on “Blogger’s Books: Darlene Foster

  1. It’s great to see Darlene here. Her books are favourites among Rosie’s team of reviewers and I’ve read very good reviews of all of them. Thanks for sharing her new book, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve followed Darlene’s blog for a while – I even featured on it 🙂 She is very supportive of bloggers and writers. By the way, Darlene, I’ve been meaning to ask for ages. My cousin – the one you met in Vancouver – would like to buy Amanda in England. However, she says the cover has changed and she doesn’t want the one with the punk on the front – is the original version still available anywhere?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We changed the covers a couple of years ago so Amanda in England matches all the other covers with a cityscape. How sweet of her to want to buy my books. Thanks for all the kind words. xo

      Liked by 3 people

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