Had To Get Tested

After feeling ill with flu symptoms for some time now, I was up all night with a very bad cough, and what felt like a chest infection.

Checking with my doctor to see if I could attend to get antibiotics, I was told that I can only be examined at the surgery if I first have a negative Covid-19 test.

So we got online and booked a test for 4 pm today, in Norwich. Julie drove me there, and we have not long returned. Until the results come back, Julie is not allowed to go back to work, and we are supposed to both self-isolate until either the negative or positive test comes back.

Times are changing indeed, as before I could have obviously had my chest listened to by the doctor, been prescribed suitable medication, and hopefully have been cured within seven days. As it stands now, if the test is positive, I am not supposed to leave the house for fourteen days, and will not be able to see a doctor. That means if it is just a chest infection, then I am going to have to suffer it lingering on for two weeks, potentially.

As a result, I have not been online to look at anyone’s posts, and will not be able to do so tonight, as I need to eat something, and go to bed early.

My apologies for missing out on your blogs, I will hopefully get a negative test result soon, and get back to normal.

125 thoughts on “Had To Get Tested

  1. I can’t tell you how many children at school have a cold, and have to be tested for Covid in order to return to the classroom. The test results can take up to three days! Best to you, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As if you don’t have enough to deal with, with block editor, and the rain, now this! I’m catching up on your blogs so I may have these out of order? Still, so frustrating, sending you love and healing wishes, C

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon and it is negative. It is getting quite complicated, and it seems not everybody implements the same rules. Here, the mother of the girl I’ve been giving English lessons to told me that they had put her class in lockdown as a precautionary measure before they can check everybody, so today’s class has been cancelled and I’ll have to wait and see… Do take care and don’t worry about comments or the posts. Take care and try to take it easy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is nuts.
    To sit knowing you are getting worse and having to wait.
    Virtual doc that they want all of us to switch to, is the hands on skill needed.
    We’re really going backwards.
    As you say it is going to be a very long winter for patients, nurses, and doctors.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have been told that I can get a telephone consutation, which will probably result in being given a prescription. But I won’t be allowed to physically see the doctor at the moment. My wife actually works as a receptionist there, so we have some degree of ‘insider knowledge’.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Get well soon. We have a friend (a teacher) who had a test 8 days ago (Sunday) and has still not got a result. All 3 in the house have to isolate and they all now have symptoms. His wife phoned the number they give you to follow it up and all she got was a recorded message saying they were too busy to answer queries about delayed test results. World beating!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I cannot complain about the service so far. Both my wife and I got tests on the day we asked for one online, and at a time of our choosing at the nearest city to where we live. Her result came back the next morning, I have been told an estimate of around 48 hours. I think we are quite lucky in Norfolk, because of the small population relevant to the size of the county.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. So sorry to hear, Pete. Let’s hope it’s not Covid, and then you can get to the doctors and get some medication. Take care. Thinking of you and Julie.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pete, seriously, there is not even a single reason why you need to apologise for this. It’s incredibly kind of you to do so, but I think that I speak for everyone here that we are more concerned for your health right now. I’m going to cross my fingers that it’s not Covid and that you will recover soon. Please take good care of yourself and rest up. I hope we can welcome you back again soon and in good health🤞😊

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Haha, well he means well😊 And honestly, I have to admit I am someone who could apologise for something like this myself lol😂 But yeah, it’s true…there is no need whatsoever. I just hope he recovers soon🤞😊😀

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