Second Wave? No, This Is Much Worse

From midnight on the 31st, 75% of the population of Great Britain will be under the high-level Tier 4 Lockdown.

This follows a huge increase in cases of Covid-19, and the fast spread of the new variant that began in the south-east counties of Kent and Essex recently.
In the last twenty four hours, 961 people have died after contracting Coronavirus, and more than 50,000 new infections were notified.

Not much of a start to 2021, but let’s hope the lockdown does some good.

Here is a full report from the BBC News website, in case those of you with friends or relatives in the UK would like to know more.

63 thoughts on “Second Wave? No, This Is Much Worse

    1. We have cases in Gressenhall, less than one mile from Beetley, and in the nearby village of North Elmham, where my wife works at the GP surgery. This is actually a serious situation. These small village communities have been spared the worst so far, because of our geographical isolation. If it can reach us, the large towns and cities will indeed be overwhelmed.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  1. That doesn’t sound good. We currently have an Tier4 lockdown until January 10. However, there is already talk of extending this lockdown. If we cannot have elections to the German Bundestag in this year, the European continent should become audible. 😉 Michael

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  2. We have no lockdown here but I am praying we get one too. We had 6 new strain covid cases in India out of which 2 were in my city, I hope this ends soon. I am tired now. You please stay safe and don’t go out much.

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  3. Don’t we all wish that just one morning, we could wake up to a snippet or two of good news? Based on all I’ve read (and learned in my years of medical writing), viruses will mutate. May we all continue to be cautious and hopeful and, especially, wise in our actions, knowing that we have a responsibility to those around us as well. Wishing you and yours a healthy and fulfilling 2021, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I can see this becoming as common as flu, albeit more deadly, with slightly different vaccines available every year for the vulnerable, but there is a long journey to go to get there. I can’t help but notice how cagey the experts are when answering the question on how effective the vaccine will be against this new variant, and I think it goes without saying that many more variants are on the way. Our real hope may be that we come up with more advanced treatments. Stay safe and Happy New Year 🙂

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  5. I heard on American television today that the British government expects to have everyone vaccinated (I’m assuming that means the ones who want to be) by the end of March.

    Our rollout is already way behind what was anticipated. While I realize we’ve got far more people living here, I think it would be a miracle if everyone were vaccinated by the end of next year in the US.

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    1. That’s a rather hollow boast from Boris, Pete. I think late Summer is more realistic. Drilling down into that statement, it seems he was mainly talking about all Health Care workers and ‘vulnerable groups’ being vaccinated by the end of March.
      But let’s hope his claim is accurate, and we have all had it by then.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. Once you have got sot of Trump, I hope Biden lives up to his promises, Don. We are stuck with Boris for a while yet, though there are widespread rumours he will resign early in 2021. Apparently, he finds it hard to live on his huge salary and expenses! No amount of money is ever enough for slugs like him.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It does seem that it is ‘mutating’ inside people and not related to any foreign travel. But the infection rate is far higher with this new variant. Over 50% more transmissible. That’s scary!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I believe they have detected the new variant here too Pete. Hopefully it will be responsive to the vaccines which are starting to be rolled out. I’m thankful my mom will get the shot next week, though it’s probably a few weeks or months out for me, depending on supply and guidelines. There’s still a long road ahead of us so we do what we an to remain vigilant. Hoping for a brighter spring.

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  7. Not looking good anywhere, Pete, and we’ve had some cases of the new variant as well in Spain. Sorry to hear about Sandy, Lara’s sister in-law. I hope there is good news soon. We still have a long way to go. Try to keep safe. ♥

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  8. I have been watching the news out of the UK almost as closely as our Covid news. Lets us hope we and you are finally able to get some control over this scourge. I trust you have fewer conspiracy theories getting the way than we do. Warmest regards, Theo

    Liked by 2 people

  9. It’s certainly grim, Pete. Hope you’re all OK in leafy Norfolk.

    Just one point, the 981 figure is deaths reported yesterday. I expect that number includes people who lost their lives in the past week or so. The numbers have been quite low over the past week.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The statement was ‘deaths reported in the last 24 hours’. But given the Christmas holidays, I’m sure you are right. Norfolk has seen an increase in those new variants, but is still a lot safer than most large metropolitan areas.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for the link. Missed news report as was out shopping (it’s quieter in the afternoons). Supermarket home deliveries are booked up again for a fortnight at least. But with luck I won’t need anything for another two weeks (defrosting turkey curry as I speak).

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